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Posts posted by hammondegge

  1. kalk is kalkwasser or calcium hydroxide (lime). kalk will raise ph and calcium without affecting alk. you probably dont need it. depends on what you are keeping. i jumped the gun a little.

    are you testing for nitrate?

    the flow in the tank is low. is it a seahorse tank. do you have coral or macroalgaes?

    when the lights are off at night the ph will drop. in the morning before the lights are on it will be at the lowest all day. try testing immed. after lights come on and again before they go off at night. you should see a swing of a couple points, ie 7.8-8.0. you really dont want it below 7.8. if it is dropping too low in the AM it may be an indirect product of low flow if nutrients are collecting on the bottom and decaying, but we really need to know more about the tank.

    what do you test for and what are the results? what kind of lighting are you using? what is in the tank? filtration? skimmer? sandbed? algae problems? etc

  2. I have the same 'problem'. what time of day to you test your PH. if it is 7.8 in the morning, then no worries. if it is that at the end of the day then you may want to add some kalk daily. either in your top off water or directly to the sump. do it slowly if you do.

    what is your alk, calcium, and magnesium? do you have a sump?

  3. Welcome to ARC. soon to be South Austin Reef Club!!! our numbers are growing! where are you SH? i am near oltorf and s.lamar.


  4. dylan, i think that the ballast harnesses are fairly distinctive to the manufacturer. try the manufacturers wed site for the new ballast and you should be able to find a wiring diagram. sometimes it is printed on the ballast itself.

  5. that certainly is an unusually good price. i have no experience with that manufacturer. most bulb makers do not make 175w DE bulbs though, they make 150w. it would be interesting to know if the 150w bulbs would run on those 175w ballasts.

    that is such a low price that i would be really looking closely at reviews and ReefCentral threads for any experiences. g'luck

  6. thats what confused me. i was reading up on it in a water sanitation article and ozone was referred to (along with bromine and chlorine) as good oxidizers. also the article inferred an inverse relationship between ph and orp. my hypothesis re: my ph will return to 7.85 every morning regardless of the level that i bring it to during the day. so i am considering CO2 saturation may be the culprit. to back down the CO2 i have to increase the oxygen concentration. does ORP give me the information that i need to know re: oxygen saturation?

    btw, i am dosing with a medical doser and toping off with kalk. calcium and alk are rock solid at 400 and 11dkh.

  7. does anyone have a spare probe that i could borrow for a day, or an hour. i have a lab monitor that i use for PH monitoring. it also has ORP capabilities thaough i have never used it. i am wonderingn if it works. i am trying to track down the source of my ph - low side - "problems". i am on the ORP trail now.

    oh...with a BNC style connector

  8. OK ph/Kh experts figure this out

    I would guess that one off the tests was off a little. what is the dkh of the fresh saltwater. the effect of the water changes will diminish as you approach the target dkh. at 13 you should probably just wait a couple of days until it drops to 11 and then resume dosing. if you test daily you can get a pretty good idea of what the tank is consuming and adjust your dosing accordingly

  9. i did not know that. i was thinking that dkh was just one way of measuring alk. i understand the difference between alkaline and alkalinity. how do you measure your alk john?

  10. thanks ed, i have a laboratory grade ph monitor that gets calibrated about once a month. every now and then i check it against a test kit to make sure that the dogs havent spun the dials on me.

    I will be replacing the 2part with a calcium reactor when i set up the 200 gallon tank, but i want to stay with the 2part until then.

    i am most confused that the PH has not followed the alk.

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