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Posts posted by hammondegge

  1. it isnt available in Texas. it is quarried somewhere on the east coast. attempts to order it in have failed with HomeDepot. You may be successful if you find a friendly HD manager or know someone. i believe HD carries it in the Eastern stores. If you got a pallet diverted to an austin store i am sure everyone on this sited would want some.

  2. yep, smelled like dead fish. I replaced the DI resin yesterday. Smell is gone. TDS behind the RO dropped from 15 to 7 and of course the TDS behind the DI is 0. Go figure.

  3. Russ from BuckeyeFieldSupply told me the same. he says that it has no effect on the purity of the water. i am replacing the DI resin anyhow. I also mentioned that i used the water for drinking water. Russ said that he would not advise this, that i should tap the unit before the DI for the drinking water. I looked into it and found out that DI is fairly corrosive (i imagine that is due to the absence of minerals). It is believed to be potentially damaging to tooth enamel. It sounds a little odd that RO would be much different at 15ppm but i'm no authority. i checked the PH of the DI and it is 9.89. i thought it would be nuetral (definitly not a scientist). i havent tapped the RO yet so i cant test the Ph. What do you know about all of this Dustin?

    I recommend BuckeyeFieldSupply highly for all your RO/DI needs and they carry Dow and Mag Flake.

  4. dylan, i forgot to mention, i have or have had near a dozen emerald crabs and this is the first one to act like this. i am thinking that once it gets used to the food that i add to the tank that it will calm down

  5. a buddy of mine added an emerald crab from AA a couple of weeks ago. this crab went right to pulling on the anemone, zoos and leather coral as well as scraping coralline. i assured him that he will settle down. well two weeks later and he is knocking on the door crab in hand. i put 'strongmad' in my 55 and he immediatly went to scraping coralline. he has 'tasted' some zoas and ricordias but really doesnt seem to bother them. i am going to give him some time to see if he is really capable of damage or not. the coralline grows back almost as fast as he scrapes it.

  6. I may place an order with www.SeahorseSource.com sometime soon. i need a female H.Reidi. they are not on the website but Dan says he has some in supply @ 49.95 each. shipping is around $40 but he can ship up to 4 at once. does anyone want a H.reidi or 3?

  7. is 15ppm a high reading john? i cant remember for sure, but i think that is pretty close to what i have seen in the past. maybe it has been closer to 12. i will check anyhow. thanks. have a great vacation. dawg.

  8. TDS after the membrane is 15ppm and after the DI is 0ppm. i changed the particle filter and the carbon block. still smells. doesnt really taste bad if you hold your nose and i am sure the fish dont mind smelling fishy, but i would like to drink the non fishy smelling water. the first two filters did not smell so i assume that it must be the Resin cannister. has anyone experienced this before?

  9. i believe Chromis are Damsels, not possitive about that but for the most part the chromis' are more docile. they are tough little fish too. since they are not anthias i think you have a better chance of them surviving, and possibly coming to an understanding with 'grumpy' they should be able to find a way to get along in a 58gallon tank.

  10. yep, i think so jacob. someone else may have some other experiences. but some fish are just mean. i have a cinnamon clown that falls into that category.

    if it isnt really causing damage the damsel may eventually tire of the fight. but if it has decided to have a ranch instead of a townhome it might be best to take it to the store for trade.

  11. i made a batch last night. at sg 1.025

    PH 8.4

    Calc 420

    dkh 7.0

    evidently the alk is left low for use with Calc Reactors in reef tanks

    didnt test the Magnesium but it is proported to be at 1300

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