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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Nice Vernon! Glad you're back on here and you got situated in Florida fine.
  2. Full aperture, controlled by my camera. I usually shoot in F8.
  3. I'm no photographer in any sense but I use 2 different lenses for my closer shots of my corals. -Tamron 90mm macro lens -55-200mm telephoto lens with macro extension tubes https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00AEEDRFM/ref=sxts_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1534530863&sr=1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65 I actually prefer the telephoto with macro extension tubes. There are some cons to the setup but I feel I get better flexibility with shots using that setup than a set 90mm macro. I can leave that setup on my camera a take a variety of different positional shots in my tank. With the 90mm macro, its slightly more limited in its range. Tamron 90mm macro 55mm-200mm telephoto with macro extension tubes For actinic shots, I use the Orange filter from this set. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00MNA13OM?psc=1&ref=yo_pop_mb_pd_title My shots got a lot better when I started shooting in RAW and then using Adobe Lightroom to dial in color temperature. It was a pretty significant difference in quality in my opinion.
  4. The "Farm"... Still growing out my newer acquired frags.
  5. Yikes! Glad you made it out okay Scott! And when I say you, I mean your tank!
  6. Watchguy123 Blue Floyd (actinic) FarmerTy unnamed pink mille (actinic) RR Rainbow Blossum (actinic) FarmerTy Blue Lemonade (actinic)
  7. My vote is ABS. If your fixture is 60", I have one you can try.
  8. Thanks Rob! I wished it looked like that all the time instead of at dawn and dusk only. [emoji16]
  9. Under actinics... But yeah, pretty cool color development lately on it.
  10. Vivid Aquariums Confetti (actinic) - it's really starting to get its colors the last couple of months.
  11. Jason Fox Fire Dragon (actinic) - heard its the same thing as the WWC Little Red Ferarri... From pictures of it I'd say the Fire Dragon looks very similar. New piece I got, MattV Psycho Asylum (actinic). I look forward to its color development in the tank.
  12. Not so much the type of corals you keep but just really all about your nitrate levels. If you find it keeps climbing and climbing, even with water changes, biopellets may be useful in your system.
  13. I run one Christy. I'd only use it if you have higher than normal nitrates and they don't stay under 10 ppm for you even with regular water changes.
  14. Localish? Pod Your Reef is in San Antonio and run by a scientist. I'm sure shipping would be pretty cheap.
  15. Welcome back! Has it really been 4 years! Holy moly! [emoji50]
  16. I just want to see your underwater fire!
  17. Glad its looking better today! Clowns are like scorpions... Unkillable. [emoji4]
  18. Methylene blue works great for ammonia related poisoning though the effects by now on the fish have either subsided are its too late. Hope it made it.
  19. Vibrant works like a charm on bubble algae but it definitely has an effect on your tank biology. From observation, seems to kind of restart your tank and you have to somewhat cycle again... Minus the ammonia/nitrite stage.
  20. I'm losing about 3-4 gallons as well per day. Total volume at roughly 300 gallons in the system.
  21. Haha! I'll make sure my resume has on it that I used to be a beach bum in Galveston and Southern California and used to live right on 6th street in Austin. When I buy my first minivan, I'll get one of those bumper stickers that says "I used to be cool".
  22. I hung that hat up when I married an old lady (soul wise), had a baby, and moved to the 'burbs. [emoji23] Where are all the cool peeps!? What can she do in town folks with her son?
  23. Oh man, you're asking a guy with a 16-month old... Cool left me 2 years ago at least. I just change diapers, feed the little one, and crash to floor in exhaustion when he finally goes to bed. Maybe some of the cooler peeps will have some ideas for you and chime in.
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