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Everything posted by jsr

  1. Same results here with API test kit. I would be interested to know what everyone thinks about this topic. Topping off with very low PH water has to have some affect on the overall PH in the tank.
  2. I have a tupperware bowl of Red Sea for you. Let me know if have time tomorrow and we can meet up.
  3. Let me know what your day looks like on Monday. I will have a few cups of Red Sea with me.
  4. So let me ask, I have always used bleach to clean out my RO/DI. And from what I understand, bleach will dissapate when it's exposed to the air and a good rinsing. With that, bleach would be a safe method of cleaning an empty tank, right? Am I doing somethigh wrong here?
  5. Ah. I wont be leaving work till like 3:00 so maybe we can meet up another time. Say Monday? I work off 183/Mopac and could bring some salt to work on Monday. I see that you are fairly close.
  6. I will be there this afternoon to do a little shopping. What time are you available?
  7. Did anyone test the regular Red Sea? I switched to Red Sea from Oceanic and could run some test this weekend during my water change if anyone is interested. I dont have a reef tank but can still test calcium, KH, and phosphate is you would like. I could also donate some salt if someone with a more precise test kit would like to gather the results. I am using API for my kits. James
  8. jsr

    1st Time

    Hello everyone. I just wanted to interduce myself and describe my current setup. First off, my name is James. I had been out of the saltwater hobby for serveral years and decided to get back into it early this year. I currently have a 135G Oceanic RR, 29G sump, Octopus NW200 skimmer, and a bunch of cheap RIO's, 140 pounds of sand, and 70 pounds of live rock. More rock will be added as time goes on. The tank is currently a FOWLR, but may become reef down the road. Alos in the works is 14G Oceanic Bio-Cube. I got this from a friend with a nice 20 pound rock and the sand for free. I am currently building a stand and will complete the setup this weekend. This will most likely house a few low-light corals and a small clean-up crem, not any fish. I have been spending alot of time on Reef Central reading and sometimes responding to questions and answers. It amazing how many things have changed in the 8 years I was out of the hobby. I look forward to being helped by this site and helping others as well. Thanks for reading... James
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