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Robb in Austin

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Status Replies posted by Robb in Austin

  1. Need AC guy. Dave, gimme your guys number! Stat!

  2. Need AC guy. Dave, gimme your guys number! Stat!

  3. Dang i need a truk, just purchased a 100gl tank, but need to find a way to get it. What kinda of lighting turns a c230 into a pick up?

  4. On set, but no "The Robb"

  5. I love the smell of new iPhones in the morning....

  6. I love the smell of new iPhones in the morning....

  7. Evil crab molted again, he is getting BIGGER and STRONGER! Who wants him?

  8. grrr....so frustrated....I don't have enough salt to bring my SG where i like it for the new tank.

  9. Here comes the sun.

  10. Mad at JamesL; his old urchin ate some of my fav zoas!

  11. 1,000 posts! ^_^

  12. Mad at JamesL; his old urchin ate some of my fav zoas!

  13. Mad at JamesL; his old urchin ate some of my fav zoas!

  14. Woohoo! I won a pico from the 3reef.com video contest!

  15. Robin picked peaches, backed 4 peach cobblers, I ate cobbler. Summer is officially here!

  16. Thank you chiller for keeping my tank alive while my ACs broke. Anyone work on ACs?

  17. trying to determine the baby cry for "buy more SPS!"

  18. seriously looking into this Port A trip with you guys...

  19. Sleep or Iron Man 2

  20. hearts the great ARC people :)

  21. has her shipment coming in tonight...jeez...a midnight airport run...greaaaaatttt.....

  22. anyone have an adapter to charge my chiller with frion???? no one around seems to have one geez

  23. anyone have an adapter to charge my chiller with frion???? no one around seems to have one geez

  24. Where's our stuff Callahan? ;)

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