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Robb in Austin

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Status Replies posted by Robb in Austin

  1. Anyone know a pediatric nurse practitioner and ob/gyn NP?

  2. I'm thinking of a name for those zoas Mike likes...

  3. Anyone know a pediatric nurse practitioner and ob/gyn NP?

  4. Remembering why i dont like school

  5. Thinking about world domination....

  6. Tell me something interesting.

  7. Thinking about world domination....

  8. Just received word that my father is recovering/stable following his quadruple bypass surgery. It took a little longer than usual because of some unexpected complications (aortic calcification), but everything is about as good as we could have hoped for. Many thanks to you guys for your good thoughts!

  9. My 82-yr-old father with chronic health conditions is having 5-hr quadruple bypass heart surgery early tomorrow morning. Building-up the strength to call him again tonight. Trying to dismiss the negative thoughts and encourage him (and especially Mom).

  10. Time for IceCream! ;) Mmmm.

  11. thinks caferacermike looks like meatloaf. I can see mike @ a meatloaf concert...prob w/fishypets.

  12. What does unicorn meat tast like?

  13. And what? What? Yeah that's right.

  14. someone told one of my youtube viewers that their liverock would "suffer" b/c they have T5's over their tank!

  15. Bigger tank or G4...can't decide

  16. Bigger tank or G4...can't decide

  17. Truth status updates Tuesday: I was a roadie for Pink Floyd for one show at Giants Stadium in the mid-90's.

  18. Truth status updates Tuesday: I was a gymnast for 6 years...

  19. Truth status updates Tuesday: I was a gymnast for 6 years...

  20. Done with school. For a week. Who wants to help me put my 75 together over the next 3 days? CR Mike? KJ?

  21. truth in status updates Tuesday: I was Little Orphan Annie for halloween when I was 4

  22. Done with school. For a week. Who wants to help me put my 75 together over the next 3 days? CR Mike? KJ?

  23. ready to move closer to the (real) ocean. Put it on the list for next summer.

  24. wonders if Escargot smells like the dead snail I just pulled out of the tank.

  25. woot woot graduating tonite!!!

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