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Robb in Austin

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Everything posted by Robb in Austin

  1. Can y'all get this? Looking for the reef flakes size.
  2. Just don't leave 'em in the back of your truck on the way home. Yup.
  3. Someone finally got an adult sized tank.

    1. o0zarkawater


      Its a MAN sized tank gawddamnit. Thanks for your help bud.

    2. JamesL


      I hope you keep the glass clean on this one :)

  4. You'll need a net (small tank like net, not a giant fishing one), a bucket and air bubbler, a head mounted flashlight (with red light option ideally), sturdy shoes ( no flip flops), and a fishing license. Go all the way out to the end of the jetty, dig around between the rocks.
  5. Tank has been running along just fine. I put a tail spot, fire fish, and goby/prawn combo in a while back. I lost my tail spot and fire fish for no apparent reason over the last 6-8 weeks. Until today. Found a gorilla grab when I fed the tank this morning. He must have hitch hiked in and remained very well hidden. I'm just surprised he was in there for this long and never seen him before.
  6. Anyone using a BML fuge light?

  7. My understanding of the system is that the emergency drain remains above the water until the main can't handle it and submerges the emergency.
  8. If nobody does, in a pinch you could probably use the boxed/bottled saltwater from petco/petsmart.
  9. Do you have 2 submerged drains? I seem to recall reading that running two of them made it tough to balance.
  10. What kind of drain system are you running? Any clogs in the drains? This sounds more like a drain issue than a return one. Unless your pump is going bad and starting to ramp up and down. Which would be unusual IMO.
  11. How old is your tank? Manual removal, frequent water changes, gfo/rowaphos/phosguard will help.
  12. I'm selling my nano wave box. It's the 6206 model and comes with the 6091 controller and magnet mount. Made a great wave in my 75 and is rated for 40-158 gallon systems. It can be mounted forward facing or lengthwise. My 215 is too big and therefore I don't need it. It's gotten a good soaking in vinegar and is ready to go. $200 obo Pic from the Interwebs.
  13. I'll measure to be sure, but I'm pretty sure it's 12" wide.
  14. Anyone know where to buy Bosch Rexroth tubing in town?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Robb in Austin

      Robb in Austin

      Yeah, not going to Carrollton for stuff.

    3. mcallahan


      There is this new invention called shipping. You can try it out when you buy the rails..

    4. Robb in Austin

      Robb in Austin

      Ebay is working although it's not the Bosch brand.

  15. I only want the wrasse and two smaller pipefish so hopefully you get some pipefish too.
  16. The companies who built the homes in HB (at least in the first few sections) did a horrible job with the foundations. A large number of homes in our section have had foundation work done. Our slab was 3" out of whack and has a crack running front to back where it broke.
  17. As I recall when we had a civil engineer out to inspect our slab everything east of 35 from Waco to San Antonio is clay. So, yeah it's not just our little slice of heaven.
  18. Not sure about rentals/leasing but check out Harris Branch. We live there and love the location. I wouldn't necessarily buy here due to clay soil, but for renting and looking for a permanent place it's good.
  19. I think if I bought another batch of rock I'd get kicked out of the house.
  20. Rock pictures! I got this rock from kb-reefs.com. I found them via eBay and knew from the pictures that it wasn't quite as nice as Marco Rocks but was hoping for close. I was scared when I first unpacked it. A good rinse helped. A little bit. I got 175lbs for $300 and it arrived today. Marco Key Largo dry is 150lbs for $315. BRS dry reef saver is 175lbs for $419. From what I've seen, all of this rock is harvested from the same, or at least similar, locations in Florida. The MR and BRS stuff is very holey. In retrospect, I should have gone with Marco Rock. Much holier and the cost difference would account for my 2 hours of rinsing the KBR rock. It will be fine to use as base rock and build my aquascape but it could have been better. And in the tub with SW beginning to cycle. I put some rock rubble I had in the sump, which is now dry and covered in gunk, into the tub to hopefully help it along. I may drop some pellets or other food in there to help too. I placed my Eheim 1260 and an MaxiJet 1200 in there to help circulate the water. I used tap water and some Coralife salt mix to make up the water. I figure the fact that it's outside and circulating pretty well will drive off chlorine/chloramines pretty quick and as such I did not use any dechlorinator. Once the rock is done, I'll move it to the tank and add some Seachem Prime just in case any residual chlorine/chloramine laced water makes it over.
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