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Everything posted by jolt

  1. I guess I was confused about *which* sunday you were travelling. I thought it was yesterday, but never saw anything. What date are you going?
  2. Rough price is good enough for me. Will be interesting !
  3. That looks like 90% there to me!
  4. Will you be able to tell us our final price at RCA?
  5. If we do give you a wish, are we obligated to purchase?
  6. My pukani leached a lot of phosphate while it was curing. You might want to test for that and do water changes or even run gfo if you see really high phosphate ...
  7. One thing I regret on my rockwork is too much vertical surface. It's really hard to put coral on a straight up wall
  8. I like the open space in front
  9. I'm really liking that hickory!
  10. I just realized I bought the wrong reagent for my Hanna HI736 Phosphorous checker. Instead, I bought the reagent for the HI713 phosphate checker. Gonna bring it to the meeting. First to PM me gets it gratis ....
  11. amazon has many styles/colors, search for "cable raceway"
  12. Wow, that's serious Ty!
  13. Yeah I do what Kim does. I like looking at the tank in both spectra!
  14. That's crazy! I guess I should not be shocked, but I am
  15. Looks really nice! Who is doing the cabinetry?
  16. LOL - I have three fish and I feed about 1/3 of a cube daily, rotating between amuzed, hikari mysis, rod's original, and rod's pacific plankton
  17. I guess there is one other update I hung the 36" BML fixture that I won at the December club meeting raffle over my new QT:
  18. Shhhh - trouble maker!
  19. I think Felix would have a heart attack if I changed my order again. He had to re-order the glass for the 6' change
  20. Well, the main update is that Reburn talked me into adding one foot to the length tank, so it is now a 6'x2'x2' 180! I am expecting the tank probably in April, and I've been working with the cabinet designer a bit this last week. Should have drawings soon.
  21. I would do the siphon breaks since it seems like the same thing would happen again with a power outage?
  22. Nice to meet you Mitchell!
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