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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. I love my Tunze Osmolator, but for what it does, it's not that cheapest.
  2. Daniel

    Mag 5

    Mag 5 for $30? Doesn't seem cryptic to me-- no fluff.
  3. Clint, Sorry for this late response. Did you find a decent power strip? I don't think you need anything super fancy if all you need is surge protection. I use a plain surge protector: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16812120300 I've also heard a lot of good things about the American DJ Power Centers: http://www.amazon.com/American-DJ-channel-...e/dp/B0002GL50Q What specific benefits were you looking for? Just something that won't crap out on you? Daniel
  4. Daniel


    Dude, don't give up yet! Try a syringe with boiling water.
  5. Daniel

    250w mh

    What's the bulb?
  6. In my opinion, watts/gallon are somewhat irrelevant; deeper tanks generally need stronger lights, shallower tanks can get by with weaker lights. As already mentioned, some corals are better off in an area with lower PAR. If the corals are bleaching, try moving them lower. Of course, many other things can cause a coral to bleach... Daniel
  7. I'll take the blue mushroom rock. Please PM me details.
  8. I'll take a carpet, or purple LTA as well...
  9. Daniel

    Free BTA

    Oh... I missed out.
  10. Hey guys, Does anyone have a Rose Anenome? Send me a PM. I'm looking for one like this (not sure if it's a RBTA): http://store.fishsupplyunderwater.com/cag00-00108.html Thanks, Daniel
  11. Did you happen to find a frag? I'm trying to find one too.
  12. I have some-- but I'm not sure of the exact weight. I'll weigh it out tonight.
  13. Aww, geez, I was just at your house. The fan fell in again? Sorry to hear about all that!
  14. Stand looks pretty nice! I don't know that a power conditioner would do a whole lot for your reef. A high quality surge protector should be just fine. Daniel
  15. A lot of nice corals and a great guy! Thanks. Check him out!
  16. If it's not a nutrition issue, it is probably a parasite. My fish had black ich once. I just used a bucket with tank water and added a formalin based medication (http://www.petco.com/product/102867/Wardle...at=OnSiteSearch; SKU = 1079450). I left my fish in there for about a week, with aeration, fed once a day, and occasionally added AmQuel Ammonia remover.
  17. Gosh, $300... That scolymia looks very nice.
  18. Danny, I'll take Frag Pack 1.
  19. Hey buddy, doing water changes that huge and that frequently will drive you nuts. I mentioned this in your forum thread and you said you had tried Mexican Turbo Snails? I wish I had taken pictures, but my tank was covered in thick GHA and BHA, but those snails completely cleaned things up. Are your snails even eating the stuff?
  20. I'll take the Green LTA. Send me a PM.
  21. Truthfully, you'll probably always be the best member of the cleanup crew. Like with the other guys, I have Mexican turbos (and nothing else). I find crabs utterly useless, sometimes aggressive, and I don't fancy turbo killers. -Daniel
  22. I still think you should consider trying out the mexican turbo snails from Aqua Dome. I recently started a new tank and everything was covered in GHA. Six medium/large snails, and now guess what, almost everything is gone in less than a week. Don't break your tank down on account of some algae. You can overcome it.
  23. Thanks for the feedback guys. I'm not sure what the actual water pressure is, but it's plumbed to the cold water line on my kitchen sink. How do I figure out the actual water pressure? I'm getting about 1 gph, which is less than the 3+ you guys mentioned. I don't see any kinks or leaks and the output isn't restricted. Should I be feeding warm water instead of plain cold water? The TDS reads 0 on the output side. Should I still try a new RO membrane? Maybe the one I have is just a little defective? Which cartridges/filters do you guys use on the other canisters/stages?
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