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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Haha, I have a 90 gallon reef too. Okay, I'll give it a whirl. Do you also dose calcium, or is the kalk also your primary source of calcium? Daniel
  2. Hey guys, Is anyone dosing kalkwasser (lime water)? How useful is it for your tank? I already have a calcium reactor, so I'm mostly considering dosing kalk for its pH benefits. Would a fuge running on a timer opposite the main tank be an equally effective means of stabilizing pH? Let me know. Daniel
  3. Daniel


    Are you tearing the tank down?
  4. I'm pretty sure everything is already sold.
  5. Hey guys, I wanted y'alls thoughts on over-driving my T5s. How exactly do I do it? Warnings/suggestions/etc. Thanks, Daniel
  6. Is heat an issue for your tank? Lowering the fixture should make a significant difference in the lighting.
  7. So is the tank height is about 25"? If so, 250W halides would offer better penetration. However, considering you're only doing softies, I think you do have a fair amount of lighting. What are your metal halide bulbs (brand, kelvin rating)? How old are they? How high off the water do you keep the bulbs? Unless you have a chiller already, swapping up to 250W halides might require you get one. Agreed. The Icecap 660 ballast can operate up to 16 lamp feet with a total of 464 rated lamp watts-- You have two lamps that are 6' each, which is 12' of lamp length; you're already at the max, I believe.
  8. Wattage per gallon is not a very useful statistic. What are the dimensions of your aquarium? What corals do you plan on keeping?
  9. I watched 6 hermits swap sequentially into larger shells a few weeks back. It was rather gross looking at that fuzzy ball of red come out.
  10. If you flip them back over, are they dead? As you probably know, many snails are unable to flip themselves back over once on their back. Try putting one in a plastic bottle with some holes drilled in it to see if they live. Maybe we can isolate whether they're dying because of water conditions or because of something else.
  11. How long do the snails generally live once in the tank?
  12. This might be a silly question-- but what is your lighting and specs and how old are the bulbs?
  13. By the way, I got my turbos from Aqua Dome. They're like $3/each. -Daniel
  14. I have two suggestions: 1) Use RO/DI water 2) Buy a few Mexican Turbo Snails. These things eat every type of nuisance algae I've encountered. They are without a doubt some of the best inverts I've ever owned. One of my buddies had a bad case of hair algae- he tried everything with no success, but these little guys did the trick. Try them! -Daniel
  15. Did you sell it? I'll take it.
  16. ckimble, what bulbs do you use?
  17. That's a massive frog spawn, Blindside!
  18. Grab a couple of Mexican Turbo Snails and all your brown algae will be history. -Daniel
  19. I'll take it. Where are you located?
  20. I'll buy the setup. Can you email me a picture?
  21. Anyone going from SA to Austin with a truck? I'm trying to buy this setup, but don't have a way to transport! ahh!
  22. Danny-- Thanks for the corals. They look great! Great guy and a great deal.
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