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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. Weird. Maybe some type of chemical thing going on? The anemone touching the torch skeleton would not be a problem. I would be more afraid of the tentacle of both touching each other. But then again, maybe they learn to co-habitate. My bubble tip rubs up against some zoas, and they don't seem bothered.
  2. Gonna have to count me out for this one. Thanks renman303 for hosting though
  3. Any suggestions for companies that replace windshields? On the way home yesterday, something hit the edge of my windshield and I have a nice 8 inch crack growing across the driver's side of my Jeep. I suspect it won't pass inspection, which is conveniently up in September.
  4. It doesn't have a purple mat which the polyps are coming out of, does it? If so then they would be green star polyps. But I think Mike is probably right with the clove polyps analysis.
  5. JamesL


    Damsels = And yet I was silly enough to put 3 in my tank... and they try to be the bullies of the tank.
  6. Like others said, just ask the LFS. RCA has mentioned to me in the past they get tank raised clownfish in a lot. But like Mike said, your selection might be somewhat limited to clowns, damsels, etc.
  7. They probably will harm each other. Normally the anemone wins out, but torches are particularly viscous corals, so it could harm the anemone. The anemone might take some time to move around looking for the best light/water flow. I would keep the torch out of the way until it looks like the anemone has settled down.
  8. Welcome to the hobby, and congrats on the upcoming family addition. Get that tank up and running soon, as the little one will take up most of your time once she gets here
  9. I will play this month, as I was told I had to submit this one if the opportunity arose Also, very nice of Fishy Business to donate a prize!
  10. Hmm.. still can only think maybe it would different flow or light. Where is it located in the tank (sand or higher up)?
  11. Only been in doing saltwater for 5 weeks, yet you joined here 2 years ago? Someone has had a long time lurking/preparing I really like the openness of the rock layout. It has some great potential for different coral placements.
  12. Looks complicated! I barely have time to get the camera in focus to take pictures anymore But this does look neat. Just the HDR (high dynamic range).
  13. The second description kinda sounds like a fluke. Not something you want in a tank.
  14. Might be worth more trade-in value for you to take a tried-and-true pair in.
  15. For the iPhone users out there: iCam Review. I haven't tried it, but the reviewer seems to like it.
  16. Toadstools are super hardy corals. I have had mine go weeks without any polyps emerging. Like Robb mentioned, toadstools go through shedding phases, though normally the the polyps are nott out at that point, and they get very shiny looking. I would suggest possibly moving it in the tank. It might be looking for more water flow or light. In terms of feeding, they mainly feed on light. I have never really seen the tentacles grabs anything, though I do add phytoplankton and other like food in the tank.
  17. Tagging along to see what people have to say, seeing as I am a new clam papa.
  18. I agree with Rob. You have a great eye for picking out the angles for pictures.
  19. The lily with the shadow is my favorite out of this set. And the bee drinking is very unique. Heck, I like all of them
  20. I would think you should notice courting activity if she was about to lay eggs. My damsels plump up right before they go into the mating dance.
  21. Are your lights on? Like most other wrasses, six lines hide at night. They normally wedge inside of the rock work and wrap themselves in a mucus cocoon.
  22. I was going to recommend Sapphire Aquatics skimmers, because they had posted on nano-reef that they were working on a hang-in skimmer. But I don't see it on their store. I had good luck with my AP24 skimmer when I had my 24g Aquapod.
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