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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. An attic fan would help a lot by pulling in the air from outside and pushing the hot out out. We have an attic fan in our house, and can normally drop the temp of the house by 3 or 4 degrees when it is in the mid to low 70's.
  2. I am in the camp for having a black background. But a really dark blue like Gabes looks nice also.
  3. I think all you have to do is use: [media]http://www.youtube.com/yourvideolink[/media]
  4. Never seen them before, but they do look cool. Your research would make a great FAQ entry (hint, hint)
  5. Wow indeed! That is a pretty drastic change in appearance... very nice!
  6. JamesL


    Is that the one from my tank?
  7. Welcome! Looks like you already got a great plan of attack for your new tank... looking forward to seeing it progress. For membership, you can pay via this page or see our wonderful Meeting Coordinator, @dapettit, and pay him.
  8. New chat time will be 8pm on Tuesdays.. so sayeth the people!
  9. How long ago did you switch over your lights? Whenever you do a light change, it is best to cut your lighting schedule in half, and then gradually increase it each week. This could possibly explain the coral deaths.
  10. I have a similar light on my 75g, but without the CF's and LED's (and my MH are only 150W each). It works great... though I would love to have the actinics and LEDs.... hmmmm... now you are gonna make me want this light
  11. Great pictures. The clowns hosting in the huge frogspawn is great!
  12. I love see the progression of tanks... and yours is off and going great! Glad you are enjoying the Frogspawn. The Zoa's I got from you are doing great, thinking they are planning on spreading We will see if their color shifts, as I just put new MH bulbs in.
  13. Is it bad that the engineer in me was figuring out all of the different takes you had to do to accomplish the dance sequence?
  14. Mini carpet anemones might be all the rage right now... or did that trend pass also? Eckreef: It seems that there are waves (no pun intended) of popularity for corals, and during that time their price goes way up. Bright colored zoas, acans, duncans, chalices, mini carpets... they all had their times where they were the "new" hot thing to collect and have. * Note: I will say that I have some of each of the above, minus the chalice, just not when they were crazy expensive.
  15. "On sale" for only $999... your poor kid is gonna be left to eating salt crystals, isn't he?
  16. +1 to what Derry said. I had a pair of naked clowns that never gave a second look to anemones I offered them.
  17. Great video. That shirt in the first scene looks familiar
  18. Closing this topic so others don't get confused on which thread to post in. Post in this thread if you want in this group buy.
  19. Skunks are the pickier of all the clown on what anemones they host in. I believe in nature they host in carpet anemones. I also read online they will also host in Seabae anemones. My skunk ignored my bubble tip also.....
  20. Mine (which I got the same time you did) are definitely growing. The two side heads are about double the size they were when I first got them from Mama.
  21. The second pic is a limpet, and if that is what you have, then they are a great addition to the clean up crew. Unsure if the first ones are good or bad.
  22. I think the water is going to spill out sitting like that
  23. Not the best picture, but this is from pretty recently.
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