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Status Replies posted by JamesL

  1. Headache. Read ot go home.

  2. My angel didnt make it. :(

  3. wants to tear it all down and start over!

  4. losing a car payment today...should I replace it with a vortec?!

  5. Happy Birthday to my wonderful son Ty.... its hard to think about all he has gone through in his first yr of life... Thank you God and the Drs at Dell for watching over him and saving his life!!!

  6. anyone use dechlorinator for their water? Some guy on my youtube channel says salt can add chlorine and chloramines so a dechlor should be used. Funny thing is he says the majority of hobbist use it?!

  7. leopard wrasse is MIA

  8. Your Poker Attack update just got approved Andrew :)

  9. Woke up to half of a my flame angel laying in the sandbed.

  10. AC broke at the office. We are on the second floor. Cooler in the parking lot!

  11. Sigh. 2 mini floods with one water change. Things went smoother when I ignored my tank.

  12. My one Acan isn't looking to good..and I don't know why.

  13. Tank-less and loving it!

  14. Strange things are afoot at the Circle K

  15. is iPhone 4 enabled!

  16. Sorry to alienate you DROID users, but these ARC push notifications are pretty slick.

  17. Saw the whole thing, dude. First you were all like "whoa", and we were like "whoa", and you were like "whoa..."

  18. iphone thursday is getting closer!!

  19. can't believe the questions I get asked on my YouTube channel

  20. Well looks like I will be losing my job tomorrow ... If anyone is hiring send me a PM

  21. I'm a Daddy to be!

  22. very productive saturday.

  23. Where's the kaboom? There was supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom!

  24. Enjoying iOS4!

  25. Enjoying iOS4!

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