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Status Replies posted by JamesL

  1. Time for IceCream! ;) Mmmm.

  2. One more Monday to go after today...

  3. New bulbs today... woohoo.

  4. mmmmm poopers

  5. Finished my Powerpoint presentation and sent it to my interviewer who "wanted to see more of my work" as he continued interviews.... Hope that's a good sign.

  6. Finished my Powerpoint presentation and sent it to my interviewer who "wanted to see more of my work" as he continued interviews.... Hope that's a good sign.

  7. Finished my Powerpoint presentation and sent it to my interviewer who "wanted to see more of my work" as he continued interviews.... Hope that's a good sign.

  8. someone told one of my youtube viewers that their liverock would "suffer" b/c they have T5's over their tank!

  9. last day.....

  10. successfully removed ALL xenia from my tank :) shweeeeet! looks bare, but for the most part, a lot better!! it all peeled off fairly easy

  11. successfully removed ALL xenia from my tank :) shweeeeet! looks bare, but for the most part, a lot better!! it all peeled off fairly easy

  12. Truth status updates Tuesday: I was a gymnast for 6 years...

  13. truth in status updates Tuesday: There were only 3 people in my 7th grade class.

  14. Well I posted a few pictures of the new baby seahorses... hard to focus on those things! Go look! :)

  15. Well I posted a few pictures of the new baby seahorses... hard to focus on those things! Go look! :)

  16. Its raining outside? It was JUST 110 degrees!

  17. ready to move closer to the (real) ocean. Put it on the list for next summer.

  18. wonders if Escargot smells like the dead snail I just pulled out of the tank.

  19. Can't understand why the Cyano keeps coming back! I have adjusted flow, cut back on feeding and the everclear dosing. grrrrrr

  20. cant believe I am another year older... man time flies

  21. Well I posted a few pictures of the new baby seahorses... hard to focus on those things! Go look! :)

  22. ready for October.

  23. ok the cyano is out of control, wtf.

  24. ok the cyano is out of control, wtf.

  25. drove through clint's hood last night. Didn't see any shootings this time.

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