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Posts posted by Bannerfish

  1. Softies are a good start imo super easy corals, I have never been able to kill one of those. I didn't really like softies at first but they really grow on you. so far we have some type of finger leather, a devils hand, kenya trees, diff types of mushrooms, toadstool, 2 diff types of gsp, cespitularia, palau nepthia, zoas, and just picked up a nice yellow figi leather today! Mine are either under t5s or leds, I keep them in. the lower half of the tank, so far so good. Only lps I've tried so far is a favia, a pectinia and a branching goniopora (lps, or...?), all of which are still pretty new. We will see if we kill any of those lol.

  2. I like a clean dark background much better than coraline, seems to make tge color of tge corals stand out better...whether I'm actually gonna scrape it off or not is a diff story lol. Sometimes I'm in the mood, sometimes I'm not. I want to try mounting corals to the back wall next and see how that goes. Gives me a good excuse to buy more corals :D

  3. i stopped listening to radio about 10yrs ago lol. i cannot stand trying to listen to one, maybe 2 songs, then get stuck listening to 15mins of commercials. try to switch stations and they have tons of commercials too. to make matters worse, they always play the same songs over and over and over, and the same commercials over and over again. i just buy my cds that i want, or download the music onto the phone and plug it into the cd player :/

  4. How are the corals liking the random flow? One of these days I'll bite the bullet and buy a couple.

    That sucks :( when I switched out a ton of my live rock with nicer looking dry rock recently I had a big nitrate spike and a gha outbreak, but the corals were all out and awesome looking with a ton of growth...? For sps all I had in there was a green stag, some green digi and red cap frags that are still recovering from being bleached, and some unknown sps, looks like a peach colored digi. Theres lps and zoas too...as ugly as the gha outbreak looked, the growth on the corals was amazing so I didn't even try to do anything with it lol. Slowly the gha is going away but the growth is still very good. I don't know why they didn't die, nitrates was around 40ppm...

  5. "not guaranteed not to leak" lol! Who would want to rent that? Be cheaper to just buy it in the long run. I would love one of those above ground pools to house in an enclosed area outside to grow some huuuuge coral colonies in, and have some large, coral safe fish in there. I saw a vid on youtube set up like that with a humongous naso tang :D

  6. Gary, one of these days I will make a visit and check things out. I love checking out new fish stores that I haven't visited.

    I'm not sure who jake is but I've talked to bruce. He's interesting lol. I felt like he was being honest with me about some of the fish I was asking about, I can always respect that no matter where I am shopping. Some of the other employees told me they didn't know the answer to my questions instead of making stuff up like some employees do some times to make sales, I like that also.

    Anywho, I was just curious to get some feedback from austin locals about their fish stores. For anyone that didn't know already, I do not live in austin, and have never spent time there before I joined this forum. But since we live close enough to drive down there, I figure I better start getting to know the stores and people. We used to live in the dfw area and we know where everything is and where to get awesome deals on good product, but its a little too far to drive up there whenever we feel like browsing, or in case we need to get equipment or meds quickly. Thanks for all the feedback!

  7. The purple tangs price tag tells me its pretty rare hahaha! That's a beautiful fish though. I've had a few purple tang owners tell me they're real hardy, or they're real prone to illness....? Maybe a big part of that is how they're caught and handled after that?

  8. Those are cool, I like hiding the powerhead too, and it gives room for more creatures and corals :) is that stuff made with the same, or similar mixture that is used to make diy live rock?

    Btw, I've never seen your tanks, have you posted pics up anywhere?

  9. I might call fishy business and see if he can do a special order. Ive had the itch for a tang or 2 lately. I don't like the blue tangs much, I like yellows but they are kinda common. naso tangs are prob my faves but I'm not entirely convinced my tank is big enough :/ I also love gold rimmed tangs, or even the powder browns and powder blues. I would love one that's been living in someones tank, but I haven't seen any up for grabs.

    I do like to hear what experiences people have experienced here locally, I don't think anyone was insulting anyone on here, just giving their experiences :)

  10. I agree, fishy business had the cleanest and healthiest looking stock I've ever seen in a pet store...but, all his tanks were small, is he able to carry larger fish such as tangs and similar sized fish? When we went I guess the shipment had not come in yet and there want much there. Anyone know what day they come in?

    I have never been to aqua dome, would you guys recommend them?

    I've seen some beautiful fish at aqua tek, but haven't bought fish from there yet. Their corals have done very well for me though...

    You've had good luck with petco fish? I'm scared to buy from a petco lol. I'm not that happy with our local petco, their selection sucks here :/

  11. Looks good so far! I've been wanting to get some of that rock from florida just to add a little variety. Watch that crab when you add fish/inverts. Sounds like one that was brought to our lfs one time cause it was eating their fish lol.

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