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Posts posted by Bannerfish

  1. subsea I'd love to see your seaweeds if you don't mind. I have an extra tank that I want to set up as some type of planted tank, just haven't really gotten around to doing it yet.

    If you don't mind my asking, why are you selling the desjardini?

  2. this tank is a 125, as far as I know I should be able to fit one of the smaller tangs in there, although I LOVE the naso tangs!

    Subsea if you are seriously wanting a fox face for your seaweed tank let me know before I take him to a lfs to trade in. I can let you know when I'm able to catch him lol. I must warn you, he loves to chow down on his algae sheets, he easily eats half a sheet a day if I give it to him, along with frozen and pellets.

  3. I've always thought that anthias needed a huge tank with very peaceful or no other tank mates? At least that's what I've gathered from my brief google searches...they are gorgeous fish!

    Also whatever I get to replace this fish will have to be fiesty enough to live with my damsels. They aren't too bad but they harass new fish at first that are of similar size to them lol. Might have to jump on the tang bandwagon, I've never owned one before :o

    Timfish, I've read alot of stuff about the dwarf angels munching on corals! I have had a coral beauty for some months now that so far has behaved itself very well, knock on wood :P I'd kill to have one of the larger angels, but they will outgrow my tank and eat everything up lol.

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  4. Ughh....just caught the fox face picking on the chalice next to his other one....guess he will have to go :( I'll have to find another fish that hopefully won't pick on my stuff, but have no idea what I would really enjoy having.

  5. I've never personally tried phosban. I've found for my little tank gfo is awesome and lasts long enough fit new to continue to use it, but lanthanum chloride works better for my big tank (alot cheaper too). If you wanna try that method do your research on it first ;) there's a humongous thread on that topic on rc I think. Lately though I've been trying to grow algae in my algae trough to control nutrients instead of media and chemicals, so far so good! Not having too much luck getting a bunch of hair algae or turf algae, but the calurpa likes to grow quickly.

  6. Ouch! Dang.....i have sps frags, and some leathers, some hydnophora, a favia, pectinia and the chalices......soo far I've only seen him bothering the one biggest chalice. I feed him alot too.....I'm gonna have to think about this. He's one of my faves, and my bannerfish seems to like him too, they swim along side each other most of the time :(

  7. ...a nice little "reef safe"fish starts munching on corals? In my case I have seen my fox face nibbling on one of my chalices these past few days. At first I didn't see any damage, but today I saw little nibble marks >:( for now I think I'm gonna leave everything alone and hope he's just being curious, hopefully he will get over it. We used to have a butterflyfish that would bother my toadstool alot but after a week or 2 he never touched it again.

    Figures it would be my luck that a "reef safe" fish would bother my corals while my reputed coral munching fish would ignore them...lol

  8. +1 to the rock scrubbing, I've been able to eliminate most of the gha in tanks by just doing this. Also getting some phosphate remover will help greatly. In my own tanks personally I have had nitrates not grow algae but if there was any phosphates the algae will start growing. Good luck!

  9. Some of those crabs are little ********! I'm glad you were able to catch yours lol. I have an emerald who's getting pretty big :o I can't have zoas in that tank because of this batch of emeralds, they you're then up as soon as I out then in the tank. I saw him arguing with one of my damsels today, damsel won even though he's smaller....this time....

  10. If they lied to me and made it sound like they wanted it for themselves, I'd be very irritated. Some people will tell you up front if they want it for resale, then its up to you if you still want to give it away. if I just wanted to get rid of something, I'd rather give it to the person who's honest about reselling it than the one who lied to get it.

    But whenever I give something away its usually cause I like the person and I think they will get some enjoyment out of whatever it is, or they have been good to me in the past about something. I think after having it for a year though, your not really profiting from selling when you count the electric bills and food and water changes, plus sometimes you change your mind or it just isn't working out for what ever reason.

    Interesting topic though, kinda gives everyone a good idea if the way people think...

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  11. I picked one up yesterday, never seen one in person before but read a little about them. I can't tell where all the mouths are yet except one. It has some weird bump like things that might be mouths but they are a little higher up, towards the stalks. Its sitting on the sand bed right now several inches away from other corals. It already looks pretty happy, haven't seen the sweepers come out yet. I was going someone else had one to share since they seem so uncommon lol

  12. I picked one up yesterday, never seen one in person before but read a little about them. I can't tell where all the mouths are yet except one. It has some weird bump like things that might be mouths but they are a little higher up, towards the stalks. Its sitting on the sand bed right now several inches away from other corals. It already looks pretty happy, haven't seen the sweepers come out yet. I was going someone else had one to share since they seem so uncommon lol

  13. We tried a yellow cucumber once...not sure what happened to him but it looks like he might have injured itself while climbing in the rocks. One of these days I'll try another, he was cool!

    Right now we have a fighting conch but I wouldn't really call him a sand sifter, he only sweeps the surface of the sand for junk and algae to eat, and sometimes I see him with his trunk reaching up into the rocks to eat algae. He's really cute, I think I like him better than the cucumber :D

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