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Everything posted by Demodiki

  1. Yeah thinking of running out to RCA and get a new bulkhead to say that I tried that. Stressful!
  2. Thinking about silicone around the outsides but I know that would just be patchwork. Which of our sponsors would I potentially call to come fix/set this up?
  3. I'm not sure where I'd find those gaskets. I went ahead and put teflon tape on the threads and now it's leaking more. LOL!
  4. Ahhh...the old leaking bulkhead problem. Iinstalled a two-piece sump underneath the tank and I can't get rid of these leaks. I have both pieces on apiece of that pink, spongy material you get at Lowes to make sure it's all even. I have the gasket on the opposite side of the nut. I hand tightened and then gave it a small turn with a wrench. I did not use teflon tape and can but don't think that will really help. I can see an occasional drip between the panes of glass. I really need to get this together today because I am leaving for a week tomorrow on a business trip. I fear the wife may hold a fire sale in my absence if something is leaking! Thanks so much!
  5. Good deal. PM me your address if you would.
  6. Oh crap...I don't think I can get my new sump into my stand!

    1. C Lo Slice
    2. Demodiki


      I'm going to have to cut a bigger hole in the side. Pretty ghetto...but you have to do what you have to do...

  7. Dave has a very nice tank. Highly recommend taking a look.
  8. Woot! Just finished up all my initiating project documentation! Of course, it still means no time to do the water change :(

  9. At Cowboys Stadium today for the epic collapse....

    1. pbnj


      Tony Romo is a one-man wrecking crew.

    2. stoneroller


      give some credit to the Lions!

  10. I hate when I put frags in the tank, the glue doesn't hold, and the frags disappear!

    1. Teresa


      Ditto! I just had one fall face down in the sand.

    2. brian.srock


      Buy EcoTech Coral glue. Mark Callahan sells them or you can buy off the net.

  11. Are those Tubbs Blues, second row middle?
  12. Oh, I don't have anything special. I have some orange mushrooms and an orange ricordia that are kind of nice. I also have some plain jane hammer...and the world's supply of trumpet coral. It grows like xenia in my tank.
  13. Where are you located?
  14. Looking for one...size doesn't matter. I hope.
  15. You need to keep the ends cool.
  16. I'll take it if no one else foes.
  17. Seconded for Reef Geek. They send candy too!
  18. Sorry to hear that and I hope things are on the uptick. I'm still interested in trees when you're ready.
  19. How wide is it? Very exciting!
  20. Yessir, a price on those two items would be great. I understand you may not be ready to part out just yet, though. Thanks.
  21. I asked earlier about the barrel and rack? Thanks.
  22. I would be interested in the mixing station stand and possibly a barrel if you part out. Thanks.
  23. I would bet that color combination is not very blue.
  24. How much and what size are the small toadstools?
  25. I know, I know I am grasping at straws . The truth is that the coral has never looked great...it should have a nice burgundy color. I know I am also trying to tie in the candy cane coral as having the same issue when it may be something completely different.
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