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Posts posted by nuxx

  1. If you're just worried about ich, do the tank transfer method on the sea hares. It'll only take 12 days and then into the DT they go so they don't starve to death first.

    Wish that would work smile.png

    Problem with TTM is it only works for infected fish.

    On coral and inverts ich would be a cyst, which could lay dormant for 72 days. So TTM wouldn't really do anything.

    On fish, active ich on the fish will drop off a few times during TTM, making it effective.

    It's either a full 72 days (sometimes not 100% and pretty much a death sentence for Sea Hares) or 1 to two weeks to just make sure anything that might have come in with the shipping water (even after rinses) would have passed it's infectious stage if in the water column.

  2. Just a little update smile.png

    The CBB has been doing better in the tank. He still stays on the right hand part of the tank, but eats well.

    The Black and Yellow Tangs don't bother him too much, I really haven't seen them go after him much. I think the mirror on the left hand side of the tank really messed with the tangs.

    Makes me much more relieved in the thought of adding more tangs down the line. Will just put the mirror up a day or two before I let them out of the acclimation box.

    The Bandit Angel has been really outgoing. He's always out and about and picking at things. Took him a few days to really go after food, now he's in a rush to beat the Crosshatches to newly dumped in food. He also goes after nori with vigor smile.png

    Still having issues with GHA. It's stopped growing and just dying now, but still looks like crap. I tried to pull it last weekend, but with the height of the tank, being on a ladder for 3 hours only resulted in getting about 1/4th of it.

    After that I mounted most of the frags from the first two batches of QT on the rockwork. One rock fell and it took me forever to get it back how I liked it. The rest of my epoxy dried, so about 15 frags didn't get mounted. I have more epoxy now and will probably mount later in the week.

    I just got in 6 Sea Hares (2 x Small, 2 x Medium and 2 x Large) and added them to our fishless (for now) frag tank for a 1-2 week quarantine. Hopefully some (all) can make it through QT and into the display. Last time I tried to QT a Sea Hare for 72 days it only made it to 45 days and died sad.png

    Hopefully these guys will get the last of the GHA in the display!

    Also got a small Bounce Mushroom to try out. After a Bayer and Iodine dip I put it in the frag tank as well. I couldn't pass on the price to just try one. Not the most colorful, but hey it's a true Bounce.

    Here's a video of the new Sea Hares and the Bounce Mushroom:

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  3. I suppose that's one of the downsides of the aggressive fish. At least they had a nice expensive meal. smile.png

    Yeah, it's just when the Turbos fall and are trying to correct themselves. Can't blame them...

    Funny they leave the Starfish alone. Hoping they'd leave a Sea Hare alone as well. Going to get 2-3 next time and see if I can get at least one to make it through QT.

  4. Those are some beautiful fish! Looking nice!

    Thanks... still waiting on the last bit of GHA to die off...

    GFO has helped, but 1/2+ of the 40 large Mexican Turbos were picked off by the Triggers and Wrasses. The Sea Hare didn't make it through QT, died a few days short...

  5. Little bit going on...

    Added the Copperbanded Butterfly and Crescent Tail Fairy Wrasse to the tank a few days ago after QT and a few days in an acclimation box.

    The CBB was harassed a ton by the Black and Yellow Tangs and kept to the upper corners of the tank.

    The Crescent Tail is less than an inch looked like a snack to the Crosshatches. They tried to eat him a few times the first few hours.

    I put a large mirror on one side of the tank and now the Black and Yellow Tangs are too busy with it to notice the CBB. The CBB has now came down from the corner of the tank and hangs out in the rocks during the day. In the morning and night he is out more on the right hand side of the tank.

    I also added the Bandit Angel to acclimation box last night. With the tangs being so distracted by the mirror, I decided to release him into the tank this afternoon.

    Funny enough, not one fish paid any attention to him. He swam with the Triggers and Yellow and Chevron Tangs for a bit and nobody cared. He even ventured over to the Black Tang a few times and nothing. He's just a very curious fish and is looking around everywhere. Even when moving him from QT to the display he never splashed or anything in the species container, even when I drained most of the water out. I very laid back fish!

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  6. LOL...

    Two days later no signs of spots on anyone.

    Was never sure if ich was in the tank. Just some scratching by the YB Blue and a white mark here or there. Ich is easy to spot and after hours looking I couldn't be 100% either way.

    Maybe just aggression and scalpel wounds...

  7. Some drama going on over in the display...

    Noticed two white dots on the Yellow Belly Blue Tang last night and some scratching.

    Also noticed the Black Tang had a nice rip on his dorsal fin.

    Naturally I thought it was ich (scratching, white dots). Would be pretty hard to explain how it got in the display though.

    All fish QTed and been forever since I added a new fish. Fish do 15 days of Paraguard and Prazi (3 rounds) and 4 weeks of Cupramine.

    All coral and inverts go 72+ days in a fishless system. 90 days on the last round.

    Now I can spot ich across the room on other people's tanks. I've looked at our fish for probably 3 hours over the past 2 days. I can't say either way. Ich normally is extremely obvious to me, but any white mark and scratching has me worried.

    Today the spots are gone, just white splotches. Will still scratch, but only when stressed i.e. me following him around with a camera or the Black Tang is near. Black Tang also has a nice scrape behind one of his fins.

    Pretty annoying, wish I could figure this out 100% either way.

    If ich, it'll let me ease up on QTing, mainly trying to just stop really bad stuff from getting in and getting fish used to captivity and eating. Basically no Cupramine and just do Paraguard/Prazi for the full 30 days. Would add fish to the frag tank and just make sure nothing wipes them out when new coral and inverts is added and held before going into the display.

    If not, then I'll stick with Nazi QT...

    Video from this morning:

    The GHA has stopped and is slowly disappearing... but I have a Sea Hare and 40 large Mexican Turbos waiting out QT in the frag tank sad.png

    In other news the Bandit is eating pretty much all live and frozen / prepared foods now smile.png

  8. Bandit just ate some PE Mysis with selcon biggrin.png

    Also looks like he ate most of the mussel.

    In other news, looks like the Hawaiian Cleaner is on his last legs. I don't get it, he was eating strong. Just didn't come out this morning, now he's upside down barely breathing... sucks...

    Most be something with these fish past providing them with good water and getting them to eat. Guessing stress...

  9. After throwing everything I could think of at the Bandit, he finally ate!

    Tried pretty much every frozen food, live sponges, live clams and mussels, 3 types of flakes, nori, 3 types of pellets, etc...

    After two days of offering live sponges and live clams and mussels, the Bandit finally decided to eat sponges and mussels this morning.

    Noticed one of the sponges was torn up, then saw him nip at it. He then picked at the new mussel I put in. After a bit he was really going at it.

    Had me worried for a bit! Sorry for the ghetto stand, my QT racks are full and this was last minute...

    Video of him first eating, sorry low light and camera phone zoom :/

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  10. Uh, first off, you need to say, holy crap, I got a bandit angel whenever mentioning you just got an angel. It's like saying you just got a car versus you just got a Lamborghini! Beautiful!

    LOL yeah, always wanted one. A good excuse to get one came out of nowhere, so went for it.

    Really happy it came in around 3". Didn't want one too big (higher chance of coral nipping) or too small (harder to keep). Already dealing with delicate fish in the CBB and Hawaiian Cleaner.

  11. New fish came in last night and have been in their tanks for about 16 hours.

    The Wrasse has a bit of ammonia burn from a delayed flight in LA I'm guessing.

    The Angel seems bold and active.

    I fed everyone today and:

    - Copperband Butteflyfish : Very aggressive eater, eats everything offered. What I thought was ich, looks more like Lympho to me. What do you think? Big white marks on it's tail.

    - Crescent Tail Fairy Wrasse : Now out all the time and eats pretty much anything.

    - Potters Angel : Now out a lot and will eat most things that float by him without spitting out.

    - Midas Blenny : Hides all the time, but is a pig when it comes to eating.

    - New Wrasse : Out all the time and seems to have a feeding response, didn't witness anything eaten, but it's hard to see with how dark the tank is. His mouth was definitely open he was chasing stuff.

    - New Angel : Out all the time as well. Also has a feeding response but as with the new Wrasse, I didn't witness something 100% get eaten. Also has it's mouth open and chasing things around.

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  12. Put a little bit of live juvenile brine in the tanks and the Potters and Cleaner Wrasse went after it.

    The Crescent is still hiding under some PVC, but swam off when I pointed a little light at him.

    The Midas Blenny only likes bigger food, so no shock there.

    The CBB is still skittish and in the corner. I noticed what looked like ich on his fins this morning. Guessing the stress of shipping, damaged mouth and pestering Hawaiian Cleaner brought it out. Guess this is why we quarantine and also gives the Cleaner something to do/eat wink.png

    Will probably start with ParaGuard and Prazi over the weekend, maybe sooner if I see the feeding response increase and see the CBB eat. If it ever does with it's messed up mouth... I saw it with it's mouth open yesterday when I fed Frozen Brine and Mysis, not sure if he actually ate though. Going to try Rod's Original today.

  13. That's a shame, what wholesale place in LA? Sounds like they are just shoving fish into a bag and throwing them in a box to Texas.

    I'll tell you privately. I just need to be a little more vocal about the fish being my personal fish and to make sure they're good. I'll half ding myself for this one.

    Update on the fish.

    The Hawaiian Cleaner, CBB, Potters Angel, Midas Blenny and one Crescent Tail Wrasse made it through the night.

    The Crescent looks colorful, and is alert and hiding where I can see him. Will try to feed again later. Going to vary up foods until I find food that certain fish like and stick with those for the remainder of the QT period. Will continue to mix in live juvenile brine until they're not alive anymore. I bought way too much.

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  14. I'd never buy another copperband unless I saw it happily eating in the store first. They are notoriously bad shippers and end up damaging their sensitive mouth parts in the bag usually. I'd save that one for a local buy instead of ordering it if I were you. Same thing with leopard wrasses if you ever decide to get one... they tend to dart around and smash up their sensitive mouth parts. The good shippers will ship them with some sand in the bag. Sorry about the wrasses, hopefully the other one makes it for you!

    Last CBB I had did great in shipping and QT. Put in the display with no acclimation box... tangs scared it to death in 3 days sad.png

    It had eating since day one as well in QT sad.png(

    Yeah we used to ship leopards with 2" of sand. I'll see what happens with this guy.

    I've had fairy wrasses hide for almost a week when new, hopefully the other is ok. The dead one had some nipped fins out of the bag sad.png

  15. Good, Bad and the Ugly...

    Had the following fish come in today:

    Copper Banded Butterfly

    Midas Blenny

    (2) Crescent Tail Fairy Wrasses

    Potters Angel

    Hawaiian Cleaner Wrasse

    The CBB, Midas and Crescent Wrasses came from Los Angeles, the Potters and Hawaiian came from Picturesque Aquatics.

    The two Crescent Fairy Wrasses came in really bad shape. One was just barely breathing, the other wasn't too much better.

    After acclimation, the worse of the two just floated to the bottom of the tank. The other swam off and hid. Found the worse of the two dead a few hours later. The other is hiding, or dead sad.png

    The Copperband came in much larger than I ordered and had a broken lower piece of its mouth.

    The Midas looked good.

    The Hawaiian Cleaner and Potters Angel came in great, even though they had a much longer journey.

    Put the CBB, Cleaner and one Crescent in together. The Potters, worse looking Wrasse and Midas went in the other 20 long.

    The Cleaner keeps bothering the CBB, think it might have something on it's upper fin.

    Tried to feed some juvenile live brine, frozen brine and frozen mysis. The Potters Angel, Midas and Hawaiian Cleaner showed interest. The CBB didn't eat and I never saw the one remaining Crescent.

    Happy about the Hawaiian Cleaner showing interest in food. It definitely picked at some food out of the water column.

    The Midas is an aggressive eater and the Potters picked at a lot of pieces of food.

    Also the Potters and Hawaiian Cleaner are not afraid of me at all.

    I feel the 2nd Crescent Wrasse and CBB will not make it.

    So looking at a Hawaiian Cleaner, Potters Angel and Midas making it through this round. Also have another fish coming Saturday.

    QT for new fish, waiting on HOB filter and changing to a bubbler with large bubbles on the left.


  16. Cut the panels for the stand and put them on the magnetic frames we made.

    Just temporary right mow, still need to nail them on the frames, then cut/paint and put on the borders. Then also put on the handles.

    Weird to see it mocked up though smile.png


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