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Posts posted by nuxx

  1. Very nice. Is it costly to do something like that? I've always wanted to try but don't know where to start.

    Yeah Wordpress and Blogger would do great for you :)

    My wife has a blog or two on Blogger.

    Going to use my nuxx.org domain as a blog hub for all of our little blogs lol

    I already spent the time to develop this little blog backend, so I can just change the frontend designs for different blogs my wife and I can do :)

  2. The links to different part of the blog are a bit hidden on the top of the page. I think moving them to the left or right in column format would help with navigation.

    Sascha, went ahead and added the "Fish, Coral, Tanks, Equipment, Tips" navigation section to the righthand nav for all pages, even if drilled down to a particular fish, tank, etc...

    Thanks for the suggestion!

  3. The links to different part of the blog are a bit hidden on the top of the page. I think moving them to the left or right in column format would help with navigation.

    Not a bad idea, I have a ton of real estate on the right hand nav smile.png

    You could setup a free blog on http://wordpress.com/ or http://www.blogger.com/. There's some other good free ones as well. Otherwise it can cost about $5 - $10 per month for a decent but low-end web host. You can use wordpress.org, or other blogging software for a really easy setup.

    Thought I didn't want to make something from scratch at first... signed up for a blogger account and after 10 minutes I got mad at the lack of customization. Just used to having 100% control from the database to the frontend. Only took a week or so to get it all up. I had a slow week last week, so didn't really cut into work smile.png

  4. Awesome!! In my MIS class we just built a site and after completing that assignment I wanted to build my own site to document everything!! Wish I had more time...

    Also, AWESOME site!!

    When I started with .net/SQL Server I'd just make little pages about stuff I liked. Actually the best I've done professionally with sites have been in areas I'm passionate about :)

  5. I would think rinse very well including any PVC and let dry out in the sun completely.

    I wouldn't think traces of medication would do anything to any new fish... some chemicals will never come out of the glass anyway...

    I'd be more worried about something staying wet and possibly keeping an infection alive.

  6. Good luck smile.png

    Seen red blotches on a yellow tang... cleared up with a big water change.

    Also our little yellow belly blue tang rubbed (?!?!) most of his dorsal fin off, down to bone. We treated the DT wish a small dose of melafix marine and it all came back in a week or two.

    Hope that helps...

  7. Sorry, good things. Hydro innovations use to always talk how good they are. They give a 14 day guarantee. So they better care more about their fish or they wouldn't make any money.

    Ah really nice to hear... will need to try them out :)

  8. really wish stephen (hydro) was still around to QT. there's gotta be a way to fund a QT center for the club... MIKE?!

    Yeah got a Purple Tang from him... had planned to get an Achilles from him as well... :(

  9. I've heard a lot of people have really awesome experiences from Petco online. They order from a variety of different wholesalers (including ORA occasionally), that our LFS order from. Plus their prices are pretty unbelievable and hard to beat, especially when they have sales and specials. They also have a warranty on their fish you order online (I think its 2 weeks), if you're present when the package is delivered. The only downside is unlike DD its not WYSIWYG, but hey, it's worth a shot.

    Awesome, great to hear :)

    Looking at some Tangs that are almost 1/2 off on Petco... the hardier species should be fine...

    Some fish are so delicate though, that I'd like to try to get a specimen that is eating first... would probably look at somebody like LA DD or somebody local that will QT and get the fish to eat first before I buy it... will be a lot more money, but hey it's expensive to QT a fish for 6-12 weeks and have it die as well.

  10. I couldn't imagine their quality being anywhere in the ballpark. I've heard their fulfillment is done by A&M Aquatics, but not at all certain on that. They definitely don't do it themselves. Vivid has really good stock. DFS and specifically DD is probably unbeatable if you have to order it online.

    I wouldn't mind trying them once... I'm pretty anal about QT though.

    Would never buy from their store though lol

  11. LOL awesome guys :D

    Kind of offtopic... has anyone ever ordered fish from Petco online? I'm curious where they come from... i.e. a wholesaler like other LFS or some Petco holding facility?

    If from a normal wholesaler... would the quality / shipping be on par with other online ordered fish, excluding LA DD or the like...

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