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Posts posted by nuxx

  1. I'd never buy another copperband unless I saw it happily eating in the store first. They are notoriously bad shippers and end up damaging their sensitive mouth parts in the bag usually. I'd save that one for a local buy instead of ordering it if I were you. Same thing with leopard wrasses if you ever decide to get one... they tend to dart around and smash up their sensitive mouth parts. The good shippers will ship them with some sand in the bag. Sorry about the wrasses, hopefully the other one makes it for you!

    Last CBB I had did great in shipping and QT. Put in the display with no acclimation box... tangs scared it to death in 3 days sad.png

    It had eating since day one as well in QT sad.png(

    Yeah we used to ship leopards with 2" of sand. I'll see what happens with this guy.

    I've had fairy wrasses hide for almost a week when new, hopefully the other is ok. The dead one had some nipped fins out of the bag sad.png

  2. Good, Bad and the Ugly...

    Had the following fish come in today:

    Copper Banded Butterfly

    Midas Blenny

    (2) Crescent Tail Fairy Wrasses

    Potters Angel

    Hawaiian Cleaner Wrasse

    The CBB, Midas and Crescent Wrasses came from Los Angeles, the Potters and Hawaiian came from Picturesque Aquatics.

    The two Crescent Fairy Wrasses came in really bad shape. One was just barely breathing, the other wasn't too much better.

    After acclimation, the worse of the two just floated to the bottom of the tank. The other swam off and hid. Found the worse of the two dead a few hours later. The other is hiding, or dead sad.png

    The Copperband came in much larger than I ordered and had a broken lower piece of its mouth.

    The Midas looked good.

    The Hawaiian Cleaner and Potters Angel came in great, even though they had a much longer journey.

    Put the CBB, Cleaner and one Crescent in together. The Potters, worse looking Wrasse and Midas went in the other 20 long.

    The Cleaner keeps bothering the CBB, think it might have something on it's upper fin.

    Tried to feed some juvenile live brine, frozen brine and frozen mysis. The Potters Angel, Midas and Hawaiian Cleaner showed interest. The CBB didn't eat and I never saw the one remaining Crescent.

    Happy about the Hawaiian Cleaner showing interest in food. It definitely picked at some food out of the water column.

    The Midas is an aggressive eater and the Potters picked at a lot of pieces of food.

    Also the Potters and Hawaiian Cleaner are not afraid of me at all.

    I feel the 2nd Crescent Wrasse and CBB will not make it.

    So looking at a Hawaiian Cleaner, Potters Angel and Midas making it through this round. Also have another fish coming Saturday.

    QT for new fish, waiting on HOB filter and changing to a bubbler with large bubbles on the left.


  3. Cut the panels for the stand and put them on the magnetic frames we made.

    Just temporary right mow, still need to nail them on the frames, then cut/paint and put on the borders. Then also put on the handles.

    Weird to see it mocked up though smile.png


    • Like 2
  4. Ended up going with Picturesque Aquatics.

    Just ordered two Cleaners from them.

    If anyone else wants anything, let me know tonight or tomorrow morning at the latest. They need to make sure not to feed any fish going out.

    Take a look at:


    Just PM me or reply here with what you want, and then just shoot me a PayPal for the amount.

    We'll split shipping on the number of people who order.

    Right now I spent $60, so first person to come on will be $30 for shipping, then if a second it would be $20, etc...

    I'll refund in PayPal if shipping goes down.

  5. ha, what i was looking at was +500$ ha

    Yeah I like the Hawaiian Vent. Anthias and the Bandits, but I haven't setup a QT in a while, so I'll start with some cheaper stuff first smile.png

    Wow picturesque has some nice lookin fish! Love that earlei wrasse they have..... Have you ordered form them before?

    Yeah I like they have a lot of WYSIWYG and also will show videos of certain fish eating.

    I haven't, but I've only read good reviews. The 7 day guarantee is really good on fish from Hawaii as well IMO.

    • Like 1
  6. Pluses for diver:

    - Price

    - Shorter Trip via Airlines

    Pluses for PA:

    - 7 Day Guarantee

    - Customer Service

    - Eating fish

    Not going with a Bandit this time, so if I was I'd have to go with a diver since the price would be half.

    Having a guarantee and not having to go to the airport sounds nice. Also when I bought my Crosshatches and Flames Wrasses from a diver last time, the order got all messed up. Ended up with no Cleaner Wrasses, a Naso (I didn't Order) and a Trio of Flame Wrasses... also the fish were rough... ugh...

  7. No point in treating fish for ich if they're already in your display...

    By that point your display is infected. If you want the ich gone, remove all fish and treat them.

    During that period, let your display sit fishless for 72 days minimum.

    I qt all new fish the following:

    - Get them eating.

    - Run three rounds of PraziPro 5-7 days apart, while treating everyday with ParaGuard.

    - Treat for four weeks with Cupramine.

    - Examine and then put in acclimation box in display if everything is fine.

    For coral and inverts:

    - Place in frag tank and start a 72 day countdown with no fish in the tank, reset if anything wet hits the tank. Normally longer.

    - Also running a UV sterilizer to help out in the sump.

    Our tank has been running for just under two years and I haven't positively identified an ich spot yet. On the Black Tang it would be super easy to.

    I've seen a random white mark from time to time, but tends mostly be a scratch, wound or sand. Normally a true sign of ich is when it's present on the fins and also if the fish is flashing.

    If ich ends up in the system, I'll just try to feed well and keep stress low. Not worth removing all the fish for ich IMO. There are much worse parasites and diseases out there.

    • Like 1
  8. Thanks Ty!

    Still have the remnants of a GHA outbreak due to not keeping up with changing our GFO, but apart from that going well.

    At least most of the GHA is turning brown/gold and receding, so it's a good sign....

    • Like 1
  9. New Kessils showed up smile.png


    Have a nice collection of boxes now...


    How the tank looked with 4 A360WEs:


    6 A360WEs all in place:


    Rewired and waiting on the control (stereo) cables to show up today:


    I'll post a picture and/or video later when I get the other two powered up after the cables get here smile.png

  10. Lots going on finally!

    Swapped out all the controllers on the Jebaos (WPs/RWs) for APEX adapters. Running through 10 programs throughout the day. Really love this change!

    Built the magnetic frames for the stand, going to skin them this weekend. Going to use some whitewashed / distressed boards. We measured wrong on one... oh well nobody will see it smile.png


    Extended the siphon breaks on the returns and now aren't seeing too much flow back. This is the normal sump operational height and then with both return pumps off and also the skimmer off. The returns are on a battery backup, so should only turn off after about 2 hours of no power.



    Acclimating the coral we took over from the frag tank after an 80 day QT period. The Rainbow Hammer was a little annoyed, but is now starting to come out a bit more. Some of the other LPS and ZOAs were annoyed when I was running more GFO, but I've cut back as I beat a lot of the GHA down. Have some SPS on the other side of the tank acclimating as well.



    Went ahead and ordered the "final" 2 Kessil A360WEs as well. Bringing the total up to 6, which I think will do for the foreseeable future. Should be here Thursday. I'm really eager to see what another 2 will do. Going from 3 to 4 was a big difference.

    Here are the new frags in the frag tank going through their 72+ day quarantine, along with the Linckias and a Sea Hare.




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