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Everything posted by Mindflux

  1. Before you go losing a stack of cash trading them away consider a 6205 shroud. That'll widen the flow, for $30 bucks you may as well try it on at least one pump. You can get them from Roger @ Tunze off Braker.
  2. It was nice to meet you and your wife. Thanks so much for the birdsnest frag too! Olivia was asking about Lily the whole way home... ha ha.
  3. I've seen some pics of some pretty bad Cyano outbreaks, in most cases it seems that folks just let it run it's course. It's kind of one of those things that goes with "new tank syndrome". I'll be interested to hear what other folks think. I know there's a product called "Red Slime" that gets rid of it right away, but I generally like the idea of not adding weird chemicals to a tank if at all possible.
  4. Pesky peppermint shrimp is stealing food from my GBTA. It had "shrunk up" for the night and I guess exposed food it hadn't digested in it's open mouth and a peppermint shrimp stole it!

  5. Did 15g of water change today across 3 tanks. My DT, QT and Freshwater. I can't wait until my fish are out of QT.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KimP


      How much longer do they stay in qt? I bet that sucks!

    3. Mindflux


      @jbharlan: Yeah I mix 24 hours. It helps oxygenate the water if it happened to become stagnant.

    4. Mindflux


      @KimP 3 or 4 more weeks. 8 weeks total to fallow my DT from Brooklynella.

  6. I was wondering how well those worked..
  7. I saw the pictures of your hitchhikers just fine earlier.
  8. I am in total disbelief the amount of tanks you run across...
  9. Got the dogs, buns(some wheat, mostly white) and condiments (ketchup/mustard) and some cheese today (if anyone wants a cheese dog). I didn't get any onion or pickle relish.. so if you're a hotdog person and would like either I suggest ya bring 'em. Got some Nathans and some Hebrew Nat'l dogs for anyone curious.
  10. Sherita I wouldn't mind one if you'd take some cash. I don't have frags to trade that you haven't already seen
  11. The group buy participants officially fell off the "Group Buy" status at midnight last night..
  12. Candy Cane continues to improve. The gaping hole that was once in it's flesh is almost completely closed now. I imagine another couple weeks it'll seem like the event never happened.
  13. Yeah the crab is kind of a last resort. I don't want to have to catch it later when it starts snacking on my zoas.
  14. Turbo's are slowly grazing on this stuff. Though I'm afraid it's so embedded in the rock it'll continue to grow back and need re-grazing frequently. Today I tried to torch it on one piece of LR. I used a cigar torch on a few longer pieces until it started glowing red (overkill!)... we will see if those patches die off and stay gone or not.
  15. Trying to rid myself of gelidium before it really takes hold of my rock. It's not feasible for me to try and remove the rock to singe it like some folks have luck with.
  16. I would imagine your mandarin starved to death? They require pods unless you can pellet train them... though I have no idea the condition of your live rock to foster pod growth.
  17. The MP10W ES is $265 new. I think $225 is fair for it. The MP10 ES (no W) is $220 new. I think you have your models confused.
  18. Sump mount ATO with two float switches. Lower for your normal water level and an upper in case the lower gets stuck or a snail is holding it up or whatever, the breakout box that interrupts the power to the aqualifter pump and the aqualifter pump itself. This combo runs about $50 for the ATO setup at autotopoff.com and another 15 for the aqualifter at Aquatek. http://autotopoff.com/products/DS1/
  19. Any particular reason you are updating other than just to update?
  20. The firmware update is done via GUI, there's just a problem with Mac's seeing the Apex if there's no ARP entry on the Mac side. I'm not sure if a fix is coming for this or what. Apparently this is non issue in windows. Go figure.
  21. try sudo arp -s <ip address> <mac address>
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