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Everything posted by Noodle

  1. Unless some emergency comes up, I shall be there! Thanks for hosting!
  2. That's pretty normal stuff. It could be waste from whatever worms and other inhabitants are living inside the rock, or poo from your hermit crabs or snails. Just turkey baste it up into the water column when you're doing a water change to remove it.
  3. Welcome to ARC, hope your move goes off without a hitch.
  4. I haven't had any experiences with Oceanic, but Tropic Marin mixes within 3-4 minutes of hitting the water. I haven't had any leftover salt pieces/granules in the water mix bucket ever (not like Instant Ocean).
  5. Cool beans I hope there's some frags for everyone around. I was interested in some of the blue striped ones. Sorry if I jumped the gun. -Y
  6. Maybe he wasn't a huge fan of Fox Newslol!
  7. Noodle

    SPS ID help

    Tell me about it! Nice use of the ghost emoticon.
  8. Noodle

    SPS ID help

    Hmmm... I hope I get some more opinions on this coral. Thanks Joseph for chiming in! I posted this thread up on maast too, and so far the ID count is: Pocillopora - 1 (Texreefer on maast) Pocillopora/maybe non-pointy birdsnest - 1 (bigbird on maast) Birdsnest - 1 (joseph) Either way, it's been cool just watching it grow.
  9. Hello everyone! I'm looking for an ID on the coral in the middle. I have suspicions as to what the coral is... but just wanted to get other insight from other SPSer's. I bought this frag about half a year ago with only 2 branches - the dude I bought it from said it was a Stylophora. As it grew in, it started to look less and less like one - and now I'm thinking its a Pocillopora (maybe P. damicornis)? What do ya'll think?
  10. There were just crazy amounts of rain last night in my area - those chubby raindrops sounded like bunch of people running around on the roof. I tried to let my dog out to do his #1 & 2 when the storm started (since that's when he usually does his business), but he absolutely refused to get his paws wet on our wet porch cement. Glad that you're all right! Scary to think that your house could've been flooded if that debris hadn't washed away.
  11. WOW! That crab never even got the chance to defend itself! I like how the other crab in the corner (w/ 15 seconds left to the vid) was trying to hurry outta the way before he was made into dinner. Very cool vid - thanks for sharing.
  12. Andrew, Stacy - have you worked out when you guys are stopping by Cindy's? Cindy - I think I might have a small frag of kenya tree to trade... depending on if it has already attached to my main rockwork.
  13. How about a topic on calcium reactors, how they work, and what is needed to run 'em? I guess it could also be a tangent to discuss if there are cheaper alternatives, ect?
  14. Hmm, I guess since there's a line for Cindy's mushroom corals, I might as well put my name down to be courteous to the others before me. I'm interested in the striped mushies... dunno how much would be left after everyone's through, so if you have some left after Andrew & Stacy, I'd be happy to drop by. I live right next to the Cedar P. library, so you're pretty close by.
  15. Those are some FANTABULOUS acanthastrea specimens! That lime green one is especially stunning! Thanks for sharing the pics.
  16. Glad to see that the mantis went to a great home. That mantis is seriously huge when I saw it at RCA. I wonder if you can put up a video of him in action as he made a meal out of his prey?
  17. Razoring would work fine to scrap off stubborn coraline algae from a glass tank. You've got a good plan to use it once and then toss it out, since the razors rust unbelievable fast after a stint in saltwater.
  18. Making a couple of round trips to the LFS (by yourself) or drag a friend & their car/truck with you if you want to make it a 1 trip deal. I guess it also depends on how many buckets you might have around too.
  19. Looks like your tank is quickly running out of room! Upgrade in the future for you?
  20. lol, still trying to get a hang of this blogging function... Anyway, my tank's coming back after some troubles in early April (brown jelly disease, montipora eating nudibranches, protozoan infestation <- very puzzling). Most of the affected corals in the previous entry pics got dipped and QT'ed. Some didn't make it through the ordeal (mostly my rics, some LPS, and the red monti ), but I'm happy that the corals that 'made it' are getting better in QT. I'll be moving some of the corals back to the regular tank around mid-June. I've been slowly restocking the tank to be less LPS/SPS dominant. Here's some pics I took tonight of the progress: I <3 Caulastreas Softie corner - (used to be the ricordea garden). Six-line says hi! Upward view of clownfish & damsel Side view of tank FTS (click pic for non-resized version) Thanks for looking!
  21. Just a walk down memory lane with some tank pics I dug up. It's crazy how things have changed since I started this tank. 8/06 11/06 1/07 3/07
  22. Very good to hear that everything transfered well from the goby nano to this new 20gallon tank! I hope the mandarin continues to do well in this tank since they are such cool fish! I look forward to more pics of corals & fish from this lovely tank!
  23. Awesome Eviota(?) and Trimma gobies dude. Hope you'll post a full tank shot soon.
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