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Everything posted by Noodle

  1. Online & at lfs, these fish tend to run about $100+
  2. Ahh! Scratch what I said above... happy2.gif I get what you're saying - you're actually subtracting the wrong thing. Don't subtract the number of .01 drops you've used. After the color changes, flip the syringe so that the tip is at the top, look at the number the black ring stopper is at, and then use that number to subtract from 1. You said you used .19ml, so (1 - 0.19) * 500 = 405 ppm of calc
  3. Do you mean .19ml? or is it actually 1.9ml (go through all of the liquid in one of the thin syringes and then you have to refill it to get the color to change to blue?) If you have to drip more than that thin syringe, you might have too much calc in your system. I sometimes make the mistake of putting the decimal at the wrong place when calculating the math and it comes out with some funky numbers. Takes me a minute or so to figure out I'm doing the math wrong! tard.gif
  4. You might have more luck searching on http://www.petfinder.com/ or http://www.puppyfind.com/ for it. As always, be wary of backyard breeders and ask for references.
  5. I have a handful of xenia frags and some gsp, real neon green. I just fragged the gsp, so mother colony and frags are still closed up, but I can get a couple pics after they open up. I'm in cedar park, short drive from 1431.
  6. Did you do a quick rinse/cleaning of the inside of the skimmer before plugging it in? Usually, some oils in the skimmer will cause it to go crazy.
  7. I've had more success with the window screen method. With the hour reduction process, it's a dramatic jump from 1 HQI one day and the next, it's 2 HQIs just at a shorter time period.
  8. Yup, that's the stuff. You can buy a huge roll of that stuff at Home Depot/Lowes for around $5, if I remember correctly.
  9. Get a bunch of window screen mesh (4-5) and put it over your tank. Every other day, just remove a window screen. This will gradually acclimate your corals to the increased lighting.
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