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Everything posted by DerrickH

  1. The trick is DO NOT THAW THE BAG. They are easy to get out when they are hard as a rock. If you let the bag thaw, the juice will accumulate and when frozen again, will stick them all together Make sure to remove the head and tail fin. These items are not digested easily. The main body of the silverside is all they need. Usually one silverside can feed 3 nems.
  2. Dang the luck, my daughters bday is Saturday An hour north of Austin
  3. DerrickH

    Live Rock

    Dang great price. I need rock too! So far south
  4. Most LFS have them. I got mine from petco, they had a bag of them frozen.
  5. seems the green split often compared to the rose. My green that I got from chad and belinda split 2 weeks after I got it. I was feeding it 1/4 silversides with the fins, tails, and heads removed. I quit feeding them when I ended up with 5 of them....
  6. Seems the ocean nutrition complete reef would be good. Shrimp look good too but its a wash with the protein level being so low. Trade off as it seems.
  7. This would be the good white power problem...lol
  8. On the back of my flake food, in the ingredients its says :"5-Phosphate" Houston we have a problem?
  9. This is a great build. Lot of work!
  10. Tank is tore down for now

    1. C Lo Slice

      C Lo Slice

      Ah, no! Why?

    2. Sherita


      NO! What happened???

    3. DerrickH


      I had to nuke this dino. It litteral killed half my snails and now my new convict tang died because of it. Stuff is toxic!

  11. Im looking for a 48" dual or triple 250w MH HQI + T5 bulb fixture and ballasts. Basically a whole light setup. Prefer dimmable ballasts. Anyone got one they want to get rid of? Im thinking about getting rid of my LED setup(complete ready to run) and going back to MH.
  12. Convict tang dead. Dino messed him up good and he became a slow swimmer. Found him sucked up against the MP40 wet side....All corals are out and in a friends QT tank and they are super happy again. His QT tank is his old tank before he upgraded so its well established with bacteria. My welso doubled in size putting in his tank! All the rock was pulled last night, recieved a bath in raw vinegar for a few minutes (till rock was fizzing) and then set out on my patio to sun bleach. Water and sand will be removed tonight and will be making some changes on my electronics mounting arrangement to make more room under the stand. Anyone have a 48" 3(or 2) x 250w MH HQI + T5HO fixture they would entertain trading? Lemme know.
  13. Picked up QT tank. Moving all corals tonight and pulling all the rock out. Going to soak it in a vinegar and water solution for 10min then spray off with sprayer and let it sun bleach. Convict tang was munching on the stuff and now he has gone into hiding, hes probably not going to make it.
  14. Baking soda, baked in the oven for 30 min @ 350f. I havent dosed any in a long time, was just dosing mrs wages pickling lime in a reactor plumbed between my ATO and float valve. I have since removed the reactor and just using straight RO/DI water. TDS meter on my RO/DI unit shows 000 and I changed the DI resin about 5 weeks ago. Ive only done two water changes since I got the new resin. Im filling up my WC station and going to do a 25g water change as my corals are not happy at all. It may be the dino or it may be something in the water chem. Either way doing a WC will only increase the dino or help make the corals more happy. Hoping to pick up a QT tomorrow. Going to do 12-14 day black out. I threw my chaeto away, I think it was dead. All brittle and loosing color.
  15. Even my softies are doing bad
  16. I have one rock about 6" infront of an MP40 at 100% and that is where the stuff started lol! I though the same thing too. I put an additional power head in the tank and it got worse. I do appreciate all your guys help on this though. This stuff is ruthless! Tanks been up for 5 months, showed typical cycle params at 1.5month. Was good to go till last 4-5 weeks.
  17. Im running phosguard GFO from seachem 24/7. And a lot of it in a reactor. Also running GAC in a reactor. There is no dino in my sump that I can see. Its deffo photosynthetic, when lights go out, it retracts completely. Dosing voldka, I should have a heavy skim right? Well Im not getting much at all, Watery clear/white foam. I know my skimmer is working normally though. I cleaned it last night as running all this GAC has made it black inside on the neck. Im going to dose voldka for 3 more days. If nothing changes or it just gets worse, then I will stop dosing. Only thing I can think of that I did right before all this started, was dosing baking soda and kalk manually. I probably OD it a bit in the beginning. Thats when this stuff started showing up. I bypassed the kalk reactor yesterday and just running RODI ATO. Ph, seems fine now with the skimmer venturi ported to the window and my CA is higher than my test will even go so no need to dose any more kalk for now. Ive only got 3 peices of SPS and a clam that need a lot of CA.
  18. One thing of interest. Its probably been stated on other forums. I started dosing voldka. My ph immediately went back into the high 7's. It recovered 8-10 hours later. Dosed again, ph hit high 7's again. Its been recovering since this morning. After dosing, it seems the dinos have increased about 500%. Im wondering if maybe they will just die off once they increase enough. Sounds backwards, but kind of like overpopulation. Once all "natural resources" are used up the population should die off. At the end of the day, wth are these guys eating is the magical question....No way my phosphates are that high and nitrates show zilch. I starve my fish lol so its not overfeeding and wet skim my *ss off! Just crazy...
  19. they are harmless. I had a ton of them in my sump on my old setup. Key here is "filter feeder". Being in the sump seems like a good idea, they help "filter" lol. I never had a problem with them being in there.
  20. Yeah, my snail population has been reduced by 80% since this stuff showed up. George, YGPM.
  21. I put a convict tang in there, he was eating the stuff. Now hes acting really weird. Hmm. As for corals, yes, the stuff wiped out some zoas I had and its actually killing my GSP. Didnt think anything could kill GSP...Im going to pick up a small tank from petco, make it a QT for the corals. Put one of my LED lights above it and leave it be. Bare bottom and no fish so WC should be a breeze for it. Let my Dt run for a while, if the stuff doesnt start to go away in a couple weeks then going to pull all the rock and sand out and sun bleach it.
  22. Should recover. Assuming you bring the temp back down slowly.
  23. For your GHA, have you tried voldka dosing? I just started doing it last night due to a different pest that I cant shake...From what Ive read, it works well for GHA. You would need a good skimmer though.
  24. I have a UV. Its off right now. With it on, theres nothing to compete with the dino lol. Im going to pick up a bottle of voldka, some for the tank, some to help me fall asleep and quit looking at the tank...haha
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