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Everything posted by DerrickH

  1. Bet this would be a total doozy from a BSD box.... Theres no way to update via USB or lan cable or a cross over cable direct?
  2. dang, all this for a firmware upgrade. Macs are supposed to be easy to use. Silly that this has to be done from shell... I agree upgrading wirelessly is not recommended.
  3. Ok after a little research....If you have an android phone and are having problems getting to the mobile site try this: 1) Open browser and in the address bar type this "about:debug" but without the "" of course 2) Now select your menu button, then settings and BANG! now you have a lot more settings to work with 3) Select Settings, then scroll down to "UAString" without the "" of course.. 4) Set to iphone 5) Refresh the ARC page and should take you to the mobile site thats functional I guess the new site doesnt like the droid browser method, but it likes the iphone method Also noted: When viewing the desktop site on an android device, the "login" button does not work. The blue box pops up for a second but then disappears.
  4. Well Ive cleared history, cookies, cache, location access and have mobile page view enabled in my browser but I still get the desktop site if I come here on my evo. Talk about loading slow. Page finally opened and I was checking the mail for my SS check....
  5. Half way there.....cmon Friday!

  6. Looks great! Did you get the rock with the coraline already on it? I cant get this stuff to grow for squat
  7. No more animated avatars? Status update is at top (near name/profile options) Deffo take some getting used to. Cant log into mobile form EVO, the boxes for nick/password never show up. Had to go to an email and click on link to get to the login screen.
  8. Sell the dog and get more fish
  9. DerrickH


    Most important ingredient in this hobby, patience. Just so happens to be the most difficult to come by when you see fellow reefers setups that look so great!
  10. DerrickH


    Welcome to the ARC! As for your plethora of critters, if your going to run a reef then you will most likely have to give the Choco star away. From what Ive heard they can be coral munchers. Also, with that many damsels, there may be some fighting going on in there as well. What kind of nem do you have?
  11. Hmm not sure I like the new look of the site

  12. Dang we need some rain!! What gives??

    1. Mindflux
    2. JamesL


      Got some here in Buda... for like 5-10 minutes.

    3. Robb in Austin

      Robb in Austin

      I think Mother Nature is running an experiment on Central Texas.

  13. Thought you just bought on a month or two ago.
  14. If the price is right, I may get this from you and repair it. Ive replaced glass before so not that hard. Guitar string, heat gun, razor blade and a lot of patience.
  15. I built transmissions for 7 years. It is a very labor intensive process and the parts have gone up considerably due to materials costs. Bushing and the like are brass or copper and both of those have skyrocketed. Average rebuild, labor+parts on an automatic is $1,500-$2,500 depending on the vehicle. If its foreign, you could double that.
  16. If you part out, Im interested in the sump.
  17. +1 Smaller tanks its not too bad of a problem, but larger tanks with long front displays or very tall displays, and your just asking for problems down the road. Unless you can pull the pane, and clean off all the silicone and re-apply silicone to the surface edge of the joining glass, there would be no true "structural bond"
  18. DerrickH

    9lb live rock

    ok, not trying to be a pain, but are you posting all your rock individually? Just seems a bit redundant to me.
  19. Apparently you have dealt with him before. I was referring to the bigbird part.
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