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Everything posted by wa1tx

  1. I just got off the phone with Jake. Red Sea has raised their price on the salt, but he has a sale coming up on RSCP. He should be posting details soon on it, but the tentative price was close to what we paid on the last group buy considering RS has raised their prices. I would rather wait for him to post pricing as I do not want to misspeak on it. He is getting 1 1/2 pallets in for the sale and will also be able to issue rain checks. I will probably wait until the 23rd since the price is comparable to what we paid before. WA
  2. Jake was off today. I have to go by the store anyway tomorrow so I will talk to him then. We are up to 16ish buckets.
  3. All Pms' replied. This is what I have so far Wa1tx 5 buckets dsquared 1 or 2 Rob 1 Scotty 2 Dave 2 Kim 2 We are up to 12 or 13 I will call Jake later this afternoon
  4. I need Red Sea Coral Pro salt and in the past we have been able to do group buys for salt from RCA. if there is enough interest I will try to set it up with Jake. I believe the minimum is 20 buckets. I need 5 buckets.
  5. I piddle with welding. No where good enough to make a stand but I would love to help if someone is building it that is part of the reef club.
  6. Hey Mike Enjoyed helping you set everything up. Can not wait to see the pics of the progression. On another note, I found a thermometer that I am no longer using that you are welcome to if you want it. LMK. WA
  7. Here is my 2 cents.... Does the red algae come off the rock if you brush at it? Any algae problem I had when I had my 29G i cured with phosguard and water changes. I did a 25-50% water change every three days for about a week and it would wipe out any issues I had. There are gravel vacuum you can buy that clean the gravel/sand. http://www.petsmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2752298 I have used them and they cause somewhat of a dust storm, but not too bad. Since I got a fighting conch (sp) and more clean up crew I have not had a need to clean my sand. My shrimp stays in one place most of the time. He set up a "cleaning station" for the fish not long after I put him in the tank. He comes away from it to eat and then goes back. The fact that he is molting makes me think he is happy and growing.
  8. I bought this and never use it. Would like to trade for frags, preferably not zoo or paly as I have a ton already. Make me an offer. http://www.marinedepot.com/Reef_Gently_AccliMate_XL_Acclimator_Transporter_Tank_Acclimation_Tanks_for_Saltwater_Aquariums-Reef_Gently-RG1113-FIMIATTK-vi.html
  9. I think I have some prime I you need it.
  10. Bump before I put it on freecycle and craigslist.
  11. thinking about changing MH bulbs to Phoenix 14K...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. bimmerzs


      The Ushio 20K's are nice also.

    3. crendon2003


      I really like my 14k phoenix bulbs good color and growth.

    4. jestep


      I use Phoenix 14K as well. Good crisp color, and they are fairly cheap. Some people like 20K's better as they are even more crisp, but I do like a little more red in the color spectrum than 20K.

  12. Freedom is not free. For those of us bbqing and drinking beer, please remember that we have American kids in hostile areas. Toast them and have a cold beer for them, and pray they make it home to their families safely. SUA SPONTE.

    1. scottyk


      Thanks so much for the kind words! Soon I will be back home with my family enjoying some nice cold beer myself!!!

  13. I had a bc29 amd replaced the return pump with the rio 6hf
  14. I have a stand I started to build for my 125 but never finished. It is not skinned. Free if you want to come get it. Pic of it is on my build thread.
  15. wa1tx


    The complaints I have heard on black sand is that it is metallic and therefore attaches to any magnet in the tank including your mag float if you have one and can then scratch the glass
  16. wa1tx

    Formalin ms

    Have you thought about a freshwater dip?
  17. Long Pleasure meeting you and thanks for the great corals. Everything has been dipped and dripped and is in tank. Warren
  18. chad and belinda have one for sale right now
  19. Ryan. Can I buy it from you when you are done with it? Lol
  20. I got this off a rock the other day. No idea what it was but it looks the same as what you posted. I knocked it off outside and left it. Next morning it was still alive. IMO, if I don't readily Recognize what it is and did not put it in my aquarium it comes out. Probably shortsighted but it has worked for me so far.
  21. wa1tx

    TDS Question

    I would start with the DI resin. Brs has it relatively cheap.
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