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Everything posted by GKarshens

  1. That was answered twice above. The lower kelvin bulbs will produce the fastest growth.
  2. Typically the lower the kelvin the better the growth. However, with that you also get less color. It also matters which brand bulb you use. Do a Google search for "Sanjay's Lighting Chart" Great reference for PAR on most popular bulbs.
  3. Melt some metal, get a form... JK When you start a new topic there is a button that says Manage Poll. Click that and follow the directions.
  4. I remember when you posted about this happening. That is a great poem! I hope writing helped you some. I know it does me.
  5. Personally I would move everything at once. Since your live rock is cured and will only be out of the water long enough to move it, there should be no cycle. The water is not what keeps your tank stable. It is the rock and the sand if it is live. If you are using new clean sand it will not cause a cycle either. If you plan on using old sand that is a different story. Just think of it as a tank move but into a new box. I would just make sure that the new water you are using has been mixed for a couple days and the parameters of PH, temp, CA, and KH are as close to the old water as possible.
  6. Sounds interesting! I too am planning a larger tank in the future and plan on using a metal stand as well. Looking forward to see how this progresses.
  7. Most Wrasses will bury themselves at night to sleep, and especially when spooked. Make sure you have your top covered. They are known carpet surfers.
  8. Half price books has lots of different bibles.
  9. We're just cooler than them anyway!
  10. May 15th 12:01am Surprised no one took it yet.
  11. I noticed in your write up that you were not messing with the air intake. Smaller bubbles should mean better skimming. The more surface area on the bubbles the more stuff can attach to them. I would adjust it down and run it that way a couple days and see if you notice a difference. A lot of people get caught up in the scfh, but that is just one factor in a skimmer's performance.
  12. I think I am going to have to disagree with you there pbnj, and I lived in NYC for 3 years. I would take a Chicago Dog and their stuffed pizza over NY fare any day. Now as far as fine dining and variety go NYC can't be beat.
  13. They look better in your tank than they did in mine!
  14. You have come a long way my friend. Looking great!
  15. Florida has VERY strict laws on collecting. Do some research.
  16. Looks great Clay! I am glad you finally got some pics up.
  17. Before even considering opening a SW business I think the best business move you could do is become as knowledgeable about reef keeping as possible. When you own a business people will automatically think you know what you are talking about. As many of us have learned, that is not always the case with a fish store. If you inform yourself you will not only be helping your customers, but also yourself, by having less loss and healthier specimens.
  18. Nice! I have had an RBTA for over a year now. My Ocellaris would never go in it in my old tank. I sold the clowns when I moved to the new setup. I bought some True Percs last week hoping for better luck. So far nothing. The smaller male will go look at it sometimes. I can almost hear him thinking - "Something tells me I should like this thi.. ooh my reflection!" as he swims away from it again.
  19. While this is slightly off topic, I think I remember the conversation Marc and I had. I think we were discussing how viable it is for us to try to mimic the ocean. While in many ways I try to keep mine as natural as possible, it is virtually impossible to have an exact representation. Anthony Calfo is a big proponent of region specific stocking. He has talked at length about how much harder it is to keep species from different regions together as they have different needs. Most of us though want the coolest stuff from all over, and try our best to sustain them. I have never looked into Zeovit or any of the other systems as I have a pretty limited budget when it comes to reef keeping. So I try to stay as natural as possible. When I am diligent about it (which is not often since we got the kids) I do regular large water changes and make sure my skimmer stays clean to be as effective as possible. I measure my CA and KH to make sure it is stable and at proper rates and that is about it. When I am diligent I have had good success. When I have let things slide I have had issues. While there are many different ways to keep a successful reef, I feel the key is consistency and stability. When we get lax no matter what system we are running we usually pay for it.
  20. No. Basically it inverts the Maxi-jet. So instead of an impeller pulling water in and then out, it makes it a propeller pushing water out and sucking it in. It is more like a Korallia but more efficient. Many of them claim 2000+ gph. I never have measured it myself, but I can definitely tell it is stronger than the K4. On my old 125 it would visibly push water the whole 6 foot length of the tank.
  21. Personally I don't think that is enough flow for an SPS dominate tank. I would save up for a wavebox. It adds a ton of movement and gives the movement of your corals a more natural look. They are also great for keeping detritus and food from settling before being consumed. If that is not an option, I don't think you can beat the Maxi-Jets with the mod. There are lots of different mods out there. The one I have moves a ton more water than my K4.
  22. I had some of those in my old tank. It never grew very large and didn't hurt anything. I am sticking with Macro Algae.
  23. Looks like some kind of Macro Algae to me.
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