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Everything posted by GKarshens

  1. Have you added any rock lately? If they were truly gashes you may have a mantis or a lobster of some kind.
  2. If you buy a bucket I will let you try it out on my tank.
  3. I got all the plumbing done and filled it with the water hose to test for leaks. There weren't any! Time to drain it and hook up the RO/DI and start filling this baby!
  4. Is that piece in the front, center, bottom just laying on the sand in front of a cave? If so I would move it to make the cave be more visible, and add visual interest. Other than that I like it.
  5. Achilles are one of the hardest fish to get to stay alive. They have a very poor survival rate through the shipping process.
  6. GKarshens

    What fish

    Take a look at Fairy Wrasses. More colors than you can imagine and stay small. Just look out for jumping. Need some kind of cover.
  7. No they are finished that color. I think it gives it a nice contrast.
  8. It's really not. Believe me. I had to do it a couple times when I was first getting started. Once was to get a Yellow Tang that was trying to kill my other fish.
  9. Thanks for all the kind words. Yes I meant in addition too with the power head. No clams in this tank, I have a Harlequin Tusk. Thanks Clint. Nissan just isn't the same anymore.
  10. So this is my newest setup. Some of you may have followed along on one of the incarnations of my 125g. It had 2 completely different lives and a big hiccup on the 2nd one. We ended up selling our house and buying a new one so I took the opportunity to start completely fresh. Eventually I have plans for an in wall 240 gallon tank, but that is another story for another thread. In the meantime I will be running this bad boy. It was custom built by Brian at Kingfish Aquariums here in Austin. Originally it was going to be a hospital tank for someone fighting AEFW. It was then just a holding tank for their store for a while. Then it sat empty for a long time. When I was making the move and trying to figure out what to do, this tank popped into my head and Brain sold it to me. It is 36" wide, 30" deep, and 18" tall, making it 84 gallons. It has a Calfo style overflow with dual drains. I will be using an Eheim 1262 (probably throttled back) for a return. It will have a mini Luminarc with a 250w Hamilton 14k bulb. I may add some T5 actinics later. It will have a Tunze wavebox and a Maxi-jet Mod for flow on top of the return. I will be running an ASM G3 with the gate valve mod for a skimmer. I think that covers the technical side of things. I have had my rock in a covered Brute for the last month or so since I broke down the old tank. Kingfish was kind enough to keep 4 of my fish and the corals I wanted to keep. So once this one is setup, and any cycle that may come through with, I will have some livestock pretty quickly. Only one photo for now. More will follow I promise!
  11. Those 2 will most likely fight. Especially in a 110. Honestly I think you would be overstocking a tank that size with 2 Tangs anyway. Those both get quite large.
  12. GKarshens

    The Cube

    From the album: 84 Gallon Cube

    84g cube
  13. Very sorry to hear that! I can't even fathom the pain they are in.
  14. I just went and picked it up. It was a last minute deal so I had help loading it but now it is sitting in the truck in my driveway. 1 other person and I could get it in pretty easily. Any help will be appreciated. I am in Cedar Park, just off 620 near Anderson Mill. Gabriel 512-657-5472
  15. I'd say Green Hairy Mushroom and Kenya tree.
  16. I would recommend against a Mandarin in a 75 regardless of other livestock. Unless you get lucky and get one that will eat prepared food it is highly likely that a 75 and the rock that will fit in it will not support one in the long run. I had one starve to death in a 125.
  17. Very impressive! I have plans in the works a DIY 240g in-wall tank. A friend and I are working on some new and interesting ways to build a tank that I will wait until we are doing it to describe. I always love seeing people DIY. I think it makes this incredible hobby even more interesting.
  18. I would worry that he will go after the Kole. Besides I feel 2 Tangs in a 90 would be overstocking anyway.
  19. We used to have the regular Mazda 3 wagon. I loved that car. Enjoy it!
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