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Everything posted by Sherita

  1. Moving right along on the 210 canopy. Side panels, face, and both doors are assembled. Still have to sand and put together, then finish.

  2. There is absolutely nothing wrong with reefbreeders lights I run them on 6 out of 7 of my tanks, the corals love them and grow like mad, and I've never had any trouble with my lights at all. As far as I am concerned, they are the cats meow.
  3. Update! She's full of water and running. Standalone fuge and the skimmer/return sump went together like a dream. The plumbing tried to show its' backside, but I beat it into submission. The lights are just "temporaried" on, so that I can see what I'm doing in the tank. I'll start on the rest of the cabinetry this week. These are my lights. I'll be getting another pair just like this. So, that's where I'm at right now. Skimmer is up and running, everything looks good. Dead shrimp are in the tank, so is the seed rock. It's off to the races now..........
  4. I flipped the switch on the 210g today. She's circulating like a champ. Dead shrimp and seed rock are in the tank. The cycle has begun....

  5. Ugh. I hate plumbing in a tank. Most despised of chores.

  6. First set of led lights for the 210g came in today!! Yippee!

  7. The FedEx truck of goodness is on its' way here! Can hardly wait!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ceastman


      I hugged my fedex guy...

    3. Jimbo662


      exactly what are "they"?

    4. Sherita


      Four different zoas, a lobo, a meat coral and an acro. And OMG they look beautiful. Pics tomorrow.

  8. Gonna be a purdy day! Sun is shining, the wind has died down. It's already pleasant out there. Now, if i just didn't have to work :-P

    1. Grog


      I have one week in between jobs. :D Put in 30 hours Sat, Sun, Mon on a new shed. Loving the weather.

  9. Blah day. Cold, raining, grey. Good time for a water change. And fragging. I could do some fragging.

    1. KKAAY


      Yes especially that orange jackolantern coral....:)...cant remember the name of it

    2. JamesL


      I have two tanks needing water changes... just saying.

    3. Sherita


      I did two of my own, today. And two yesterday. And I'll do two more tomorrow.

  10. Reptile enclosures are not designed to hold water long term. Even if you brace it, you will still find yourself cleaning large amounts of water off the floor. Buy a used aquarium from the forums or cl and save yourself the trouble.
  11. 650 calories burned at the gym tonite. I'm down over 25 pounds from when I started. And that includes a two week hiatus for some kind of upper respiratory plague that tried to kill me. I've got a long way to go, but I'm on my way.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sherita


      Thanks guys! My goal weight is 145. Lets just say I have a ways to go, LOL. But that's ok. I didn't get this fat in a month, I ain't gonna lose it in a month.

    3. JamesL
    4. Richard L

      Richard L

      Please wear a name tag at our next get together since I probably won't recognize you!

  12. Local clowns wanted to charge me $200 to put a new keyboard in my laptop. Nope. I bought a new keyboard for $20 an put the thing in myself. I'll keep my $180, thankyouverymuch. Jerks.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. brian.srock


      sifuentes you would LOL. haha We should make it the next reef meeting. I'm down to at least beat Planeden :)

    3. Planeden


      oh yeah? remember i can kink a hose with a dislocated shoulder. hmmm, that sounded more intimidating in my head :).

    4. Sherita


      We really should have a bake/cook off as a club meeting. Everyone could fix their best/favorite dish, and then we could all eat it after the judging!

  13. Ty, pp sent. His family is in my thoughts. Please pass on my condolences, Tim was a wonderful guy and will be missed.
  14. I'm in for a donation. I'll need to PayPal, obviously. Just lmk.
  15. Deeply saddened to hear of his passing. He was a great guy.
  16. Went to Richardson for the NTRF swap yesterday. You guys missed out. Major eye candy in the house there! Well run and well attended. I couldn't stop drooling over some of the corals there. I told them all about C4, so maybe we will see some of that sexy eye candy down in Austin land soon.

  17. Oh goody! I just picked up some blue ochtodes macro, and a couple others I have never seen. They will be pretty in my display fuge!

  18. YAY!! I won the photo contest over at DFWMAS. Been trying to win that thing for a couple of years now. Yipee!!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Planeden


      did you get your face mask yet? (ducking lick a snake in the sherita's dog run)

    3. KKAAY


      Ok.great...ill be waiting..:)

    4. JamesL
  19. Is anyone else screwed up by this time change, or is it just me?

    1. Mo'sMyName


      I don't remember driving to work this morning and I'm wearing mismatched socks.

    2. Jimbo662


      I usually take this week off to get adjusted...I forgot to ask and hating life right now!!!

  20. Ok, I had to quit fragging. I ran out of glue, and plugs. And room. Good grief.

  21. Got the base rocks laid out and mortared for the 210g. Also got them attached to plexiglass bases to make them easier to handle. Today I'll work on the second tier of rocks, do some fragging. And laundry. Gotta do laundry.

  22. Bleh. Crummy weather. I'm working on the rockscape for the 210g.

    1. Robb in Austin

      Robb in Austin

      You aint lying! Seattle can come get their weather any ole time now.

  23. Ugh. I hate having cement under my fingernails.

    1. Robb in Austin

      Robb in Austin

      Paly toxin in eye or cement under nails? Your choice.

    2. Sherita


      Seems I have both, LOL.

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