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Everything posted by Sherita

  1. hope you enjoy your frags and this is the pic of the mother colony of the montipora hispida i gave you oh and by the way this is not my mother colony or my tank Hey, that mother colony looks familiar It's mine, it's in my 72g reef. Lots bigger now tho.
  2. I think it's a good idea for those who don't want to/don't have/can't set up a frag tank of their own. Since I have a brand spanking new custom tank that I built for displaying at the swap, I wouldn't need to/wouldn't want to use it. BUT, for folks who don't have a tank, I don't see how this is any different than the "hey, does anyone have a little space in their frag tank I can use at the swap?" posts that go out for nearly every swap I have been to. If ya don't want to use it, don't, if ya do want to use it, then do. I qt/dip everything that comes into my tanks. Everyone should be doing this, to help prevent the spread of std's.
  3. It would be hard to say for sure, I would consider it risky with any crustys though Well, crud. This particular cowrie can't go in one of my reef tanks, because he thinks sps are yummy. Drat. I guess it will have to wait until I get my 110's set up.
  4. Just curious. I know he eats shrimp and crabs, do you think he would try to eat a 2" deer cowrie? I really want a tusk, but there is a deer cowrie in the tank I want to put him in. I don't care much about shrimp or crabs, but I love my cowries.
  5. Mine usually "cooks" for about 10-12 days before it is ready. It gets so dark you can't see through it. I will post a pic for you when I get in from work tonite. I started mine with cultures from Florida Aqua Farms, so I don't know if that makes a difference or not. I also use their phyto fertilizer, have had really good results with it.
  6. Cute pics, but I am the same as JamesL. The clown I had destroyed several very nice corals before I managed to evict him. Never again. I like them just fine, in someone elses tank, LOL.
  7. Yep, I culture my own as well. I use acrylic "phyto reactors" that I made, but the principles are the same. It's sure cheaper than buying the stuff from the store.
  8. Hey there, trying to get in touch with you so I can pick up my tank this Saturday. PM me please, so we can get a time worked out
  9. What in the world possesses people to think that they MUST pass that truck running in 4wd with their 2wd car, on an icy highway, going way too fast? This, I do not understand. And they have the nerve to act surprised when they find themselves in the ditch.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sherita


      Nothing like watching a car come past you rear end first. They didn't start out that way. Lubbock to Snyder was a mess yesterday. The major giggle came from the hummer that blew past me hauling tail, honking and flipping me off, only to lose it, swap ends and wind up in the center median. I just beeped and waved, and kept driving. Ugly old Ford 4wd never missed a beat or spun a wheel. So there :P

    3. Sherita


      And yes, I waved with ALL of my fingers, LOL.

    4. Jakedoza


      I love my AWD car :)

  10. If you value your tank (and your sanity) get them out now.Take out the rock they are on and sun dry it for a LONG time. The vinegar treatment only makes them mad, and they just split and multiply (same for aiptasia). I bought a frag with them on it, I wound up tearing half my tank out to get rid of them. They can, and will, take over your tank and kill your corals. You say they are only on one rock, get that rock out now, or regret it for a long time.
  11. Do you take paypal? I want that 25g acrylic tank, but can't get down that way for a while. Would be glad to pay you now. PM me or text 325-214-0135
  12. Don't use epoxy, it won't stick. Get a tube of Weld-on 16. It's a thicker product. That will fix it right up.
  13. What makes people ask for advice from others with experience, and then not listen? This drives me crazy.

    1. diabeetus


      i wish there was a "like" button on here. this is so true

  14. Put it back in the tank and just watch. They have wonderful regenerative powers. Most likely it will heal right up, or it will split into one or more. BTW, that is a green hairy mushroom (yes, that is actually what it is called). I just had a giant orange cup shroom get hung up in one of my powerheads. It was very badly chewed up. I put it in a low flow low light area of my tank. In just over a week it has not only healed up, but has inflated to the size of a coffee saucer and is beginning to split. They are like cockroaches, very hard to kill.
  15. Oh yes, they can move very well They are members of the anemone family, pack a potent sting (against corals, you won't notice it), and can move where they dang well please.
  16. If the aiptasia is only on one rock, remove that rock from your tank immediately. How many of them are there? Slow down a little, wait to see what your water testing looks like in a couple of weeks. Nothing good comes from haste in this hobby. I started my tank with live rock, and I still waited nearly 3 months to make sure it was ready before I added livestock. Anemones require an established, mature tank. Wait at least six months, a year would be better, before adding one. They are not difficult to care for, but they do require good lighting and good flow, as well as a mature tank with stable levels. You will need to cover all powerheads, because they can walk around a tank and get sucked into them. Just sit back right now and relax Start working on your livestock list and researching, and wait until your tank is ready. That way you won't make any discouraging mistakes (something we have all done).
  17. Well, the snow has stopped. It's colder than a well diggers.......pick. Fireplace is nice and warm, tanks looking good. Just wish it would warm up a bit.

    1. Chad and Belinda

      Chad and Belinda

      Where do you live???

    2. Sherita


      I'm out near Abilene. Have no fear, I won't send any of the snow in your direction, LOL.

    3. August


      wish it would snow here... lots of snow like colorado/wyoming type snow.... have fun in it so ready for colder temps

  18. Hah! Caught the black and gold chromis that was hassling my welso. He's been banished to the 75g. His greed got the better of him, he just couldn't stand looking at the food in the trap.

  19. That's horrible. One would have thought the first clue was that it was done at a private residence. But I have to ask the question.......who tries to make their backside BIGGER??? I don't have a problem getting a larger backside, but shrinking that sucker is a whole 'nother matter.
  20. Just who programs the dictionary on these smart phones? I have words on my phone that do NOT belong there. One little slip of the finger, and oh boy. This phone is twisted, and not in a good way.

  21. I got aggravated at the substrate in my 40br frag tank. I drained the tank and took it out. Now it's bare bottom. So there.

  22. Can you snap a pic of it? I have two old light fixtures here that still have the legs on them. If one will work for you, I can drop it in the mail tomorrow.
  23. My tuxedo urchin is trying to steal my welso this morning. It's bigger than he is, but he has managed to get under it. Now I have to take it away. His fashion accessories always crack me up.

  24. Just like the title say, looking for an Inland Reefkeeper Saw. If anyone has one that they aren't using anymore, I will happily swap cash for it.
  25. Belinda, I will take the bright oxide zoas and ricordia #2. Thanks.
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