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Everything posted by Headless_donkey

  1. I like meetings like this. It justifies and validates in existence of the internet and groups like ours. Andrew is the one that keeps the wheels on the train. If I am in town the tour sounds like a GREAT time!
  2. Alight, it looks like we have a winner for this time around. I will make a list of the other suggestions and keep it for future meetings. We will schedule a meeting and let everyone know the date.
  3. We are at William Cannon and 35. Not to far from you. Welcome to the club.
  4. With circulation and no light salt water can last "forever." I have been told around the month mark. The thing is, you might have to top it off to keep the salinity cool. I don't really know why with no light and circulation salt water shouldn't stay "good" I try to keep water no longer then a week. I agree with Gabriel. I would just throw it out.
  5. Both great ideas! Keep them coming iflytoohigh-I wish you could have been at the last maast/arc frag swap. We had a great demo by hobogato on fragging.
  6. What does everyone want to know more about? We want to host a meeting and we are looking for a topic. Don't be shy. Nothing is off limits.
  7. RCA I believe is planning to host a frag swap when they get all of their tanks moved into the new space. I wish we had room for a frag swap at the house, but I don't think we do.
  8. First off, Do not cut that bar. It is keeping the glass from bowing. If you wanted to get crazy you could have a piece of glass cut, silicon it under the support bar, and then cut the plastic out. However, the lunar light should just be a led which would be easy to move. You could simply extend the wires running to the light and place it where you need it. You could also get a cheap led moon light, use double sided tape to hold it in place, and not worry about the original.
  9. Coming strong with the Harlequin shrimp! Aren't they fun to have around? Who carse if they eat you out of house and home.
  10. I have decided the crab would not be safe in our fish tank. I guess it is back to the store. So sad.
  11. Still thinking about the crab, but passing on the tang. thanks
  12. It depends on your stand. If it has a hole in the top, then you can drill in the bottom. If not you can go out the back. You could even drill a side and make it a peninsula tank(my favorite!). You could get super fancy and do an external overflow and a califlo(sp?) style intake. There are sooooo many options. It all depends on the other equipment around the tank, the space you have, and how you want it to sit in the room. You could even do dual overflows. If it were me I would do an external overflow box and the cali intake aka "coast to coast overflow." This option maximizes internal tank volume and is pretty easy to do. Literally all you need is some acrylic and special glue.
  13. Congrats! Take some pics to show us.
  14. Let me do some research real quick to see if it would be safe in our tank. If it is I am sure we could work something out. Do you have your tang in that 40? Not to be the tang police, but I know it isn't recommended to have it in such a small tank.
  15. Sweet tank! I like the variety of color. When those corals grow out it is going to be stunning. BTW you have much better luck of getting the fish in focus then I do. They always seem to blur.
  16. I stole the idea from reefman's barrels. I can't take credit. I am considering the barrel or round trashcan.
  17. Here is what we do(until the stupid trash can sprung a leak): Fill the can to the union(20 gallons) or bottom of PVC spout(10 gallons) with ro/di water Add salt, Open red valve close hose valve, turn on pump(MAG 5), add heater if needed Wait 24 hrs, Siphone out proper amount of water out of tank, wheel can to tank, attach garden hose to hose valve, turn on pump, open hose valve, close red valve, fill tank Done! BTW depending on what is in the tank 10 gallons isn't too much. We change 10 gallons a week on our 30 gallon seahorse tank.
  18. I want to use a float valve the control the level of water in an ro/di holding tank. How do I get the ro/di filter to shut off with the float valve? From I have read you need three things: a float valve, special shut off "thingy" for ro/di, and a ro membrane check valve. I have the shut off thingy I think. I have something that sure looks like the picture. I don't think I have the check valve and I know I don't have the float switch(easy to get). I tested it last light by using a JG valve shut on the "good water" side and the drain water didn't stop. I have read tons of stuff on this and I can't figure it out. If someone can tell me how to make it work I would be VERY appreciative. thank you james
  19. Thanks for the link. That is a great idea. Using the pump to mix to kalk and the kalk never flows through the pump. Beauty in simplicity, my favorite!
  20. Howdy, I hope your move goes well and there is always room for one more tank in Austin.
  21. Super Awesome! Thank you for having us in your house and talking about tank photography.
  22. We added another member to the family. After watching this guy at RCA for more than a month, we decided to take him home. Now we are the proud owners of a Odontactylus scyllarus aka a Peacock Mantis shrimp. His name is Sam the Butcher. He has his own dedicated 12 gallon ACRYLIC Eclipse aquarium. We think he is pretty large for a mantis in captivity at almost 8". This morning we watched him hunt, kill, and eat a live fresh water fish. It was AWESOME! Apparently he knows I am writing a blog entry because he is just clicking away. He must be saying "HI" to everyone on ARC. We did have one small emergency yesterday. Apparently our eel wanted to watch TV on the couch so he crawled out of the aquarium. He did not make it to the couch, but the dogs found him before Jennifer did. Luckily they are sympathetic to the fish cause and let him live. Who says pittbulls are blood thirsty? Jennifer put him back in the tank and he is doing great. Through this experience we found out eels can live out of the water for almost 12 hours according to some sources. Who knew? However, we are going to do our best to keep him IN the water. BTW seahorsejl did warn us this might happen. Just thought we would pass on the story. FTS of the new aquarium: Sam in all his glory: Gratuitous Dwarf Lionfish shot: See everyone at the meeting.
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