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Everything posted by bige

  1. bige


    I've had really big pacu when I was in middle school/ high school. They never bit me or even became aggressive. Of course I kept the parts mentioned out of the water.
  2. bige

    Jaubert Plenum

    Looks good. Look forward to it being wet.
  3. All I do is what Victoly does. I also get shielding gas from them so I get a little discount.
  4. In your 72,I would agree. Better safe than sorry.
  5. bige

    Jaubert Plenum

    So it's the air in the space on the bottom that makes this efficient? What if no space on the bottom? But dsb aragonite?
  6. I like the cleats. And you can tie off to it.
  7. Looks good. I like the white inside.
  8. That's the pump that does not come with a controller correct? What are the air stones for? Did you say and I missed it. Were you using a dosing pump before? I have a bio cube 29 too and am struggling with keeping calcium up. I was gonna do kalk in ato but heard its not great for smaller tanks. Also thought about calcium reactor but I don't have a controller (apex) yet so wasn't sure how It would work. I currently dose manually and it's too much trouble.
  9. bige

    Jaubert Plenum

    I'd like to follow along. I've read about these and seen them in person and am still a little lost.
  10. Looks great. Are you going to paint the drain pipes to match the back ground?
  11. I agree with mlaw and Timfish. Their funding ran out. And who goes to Costa Rica to go to a zoo. They act like they are doing some favor by giving the animals to a sanctuary.
  12. Couldn't you turn it way down to start with, then adjust before it sloshes out?
  13. Yup, ^ this. On my phone I can't "like" something that's already been liked. AND I WANT TO BE HEARD!
  14. I had a nano tunze in my bio cube 29 (square) and just couldn't get it right. But it's tiny and above the wave box was used on 6' tank. So I assumed it was because it was square and not long. But as the two proponents above said "try it". A third proponent has appeared!
  15. I agree. I buy more coral now. Not sure what the real cause would be. Maybe people are taking vacations before school starts?
  16. No, he said he thinks people are out of town or just not inside working on tanks. He said sales fall from end of July to August.
  17. He has trouble responding to emails. It would be two weeks before he reads this. If he ever does.
  18. That's exactly what my co2 scrubber looks like.
  19. Just an FYI, the bristle tooth tangs scrape rocks and tend to stay away from the larger algaes. But I really like yellow eye kole tangs.
  20. And acclimation is simple. Some say an hour and some do longer.
  21. Agreed. Mollys are good at keeping the macro trimmed but won't touch hair algae (in my experience). You can keep a school of them if you like. One is fine too. They are fun to watch. Have a fw fish personality. Meaning they stay out cause they aren't familiar with sw dangers. A good dither fish.
  22. I wondered that too. Maybe vacation? Who knows.
  23. Great stuff as usual. And thank you for not posting them to photobucket. I'm tired of watching commercials! I'm totes jelly of the cray cray.
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