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Everything posted by Derek

  1. That's what I did. It was about .003 points off, e.g. 1.025 would actually be 1.022. When I re-calibrated the scope I used the calibration fluid that it came with.
  2. That's an idea. I could swing by AquaTek tomorrow and check it out.
  3. I think a general propagation and breeding forum would be good.
  4. So a week or two ago I discovered that my refractometer was not calibrated properly. In short my water was not salty enough. I think I have it calibrated properly now, but am still a bit nervous that it is off. Does anyone with a properly calibrated refractometer in the Metric and Braker area have a few minutes available on Saturday to swing by and do a few comparisons salinity tests with me? I want to make sure mine is right.
  5. I am considering buying a DSA Neo 185. I was wondering if anyone has one and what your experience has been? I have the Neo 90 now and love it.
  6. Dang Mannings! That skimmer is huge! I have heard good things about Reef Octopus.
  7. Derek


    I have one that has a greenish stalk. They can be lots of different colors. I have seen purple ones.
  8. A good and loving home? Would that be good?
  9. Interesting video. I want to buy Gel food now. Haha.
  10. Dang, so many options. Anyone want to let me borrow their skimmer for a week? Haha.
  11. Hmm, I'll check it out. With any luck one of those will be cheaper their Euro-Reef. Their stuff is expensive.
  12. So, I am planning to get a larger tank this year. I have decided on a DSA Neo 185. I currently have a EuroReef RS80. I am pretty sure I will need a bigger skimmer when I get the new tank. I have been very happy with my EuroReef skimmer. I was trying to find which one I would get by viewing this site's specifications, but their site is confusing. Which model would I need to get? I would want one where the lower needed water volume would be around the tank size. I like to over skim since I generally have a dense tank population.
  13. The sand I have is pretty large grain. It is crushed aragonite. It is pretty awesome.
  14. Derek


    You can get bulkheads from Fishy Business on North Burnet, just north of Braker. I got one there for six bucks. Shane would be able to tell you how big the hole would need to be drilled.
  15. Nice! The coloration is awesome.
  16. That looks much better. I wouldn't say you got swindled though. LTAs are easier to keep than Sebae, though I would inquire about a refund of the difference in cost.
  17. Welcome. I use sand. I used crushed coral before and it ended up being a bit of a nightmare. My sand sifting critters could not move around in it and it eventually got clumpy and hard in some spots. I changed it out and put sand.
  18. I'd give it another week. It should be fine. They sometimes take a while to acclimate. I know that when I first got a long tentacle anemone it took about two weeks of it to settle down.
  19. It is probably just stressed. Anemones take a while to get settled in their new spot. On a side note, I'm pretty sure that is a long tentacle anemone, not a sebae anemone. Sebae anemones usually have spots on the tips of the tentacles and don't have the little warts under the oral disc.
  20. Awesome. Thanks. I live down the street from Fishy Business. I have stopped in few times. He has great prices on plumbing supplies. It was super convenient to stop by there and get a bulk head when I cracked mine.
  21. Nice setup! Sweet Midas blenny!
  22. Sand will go down PVC. I used a piece of flex hosing when I added a new sand bed to my tank. I cut the top off of a coke bottle and used that as a funnel, then just put in the sand cup by cup.
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