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Posts posted by aggieMEDIC

  1. If you want one, get either an ORA mandarin that feeds on non-live food or get a spotted mandarin (the green one with target-looking markings on them). They usually take to non-live food more readily.

    I would love to get one that eats prepared foods. He will still eat the pods though right? I would love to have one but prepared food is the only way I would for now.

    Sent from my Galaxy SIII which is cooler than your phone.

  2. I have pods and other things galore. post-106-135457935512_thumb.jpg

    All those little white things on the glass are little tiny bugs. Some look like a pic I have seen before of rotifers but based on my understanding way to big to be rotifers. I have pods galore all over the back wall and they are everywhere on the rocks. I am sure this is mainly because I really dont any predators for them but who cares I have tons of them.

    Mysis too. Awesome!!!

    Sent from my Galaxy SIII which is cooler than your phone.

  3. We are very lucky to have them nearby. I will admit I stop by sometimes just to see what they have even though I know I cant get anything at that time. they always answer my questions and are patient with all the stupid noob questions I have forgotten the answer to while I was out of the hobby.

  4. So in an effort to clean up my tank I got a new sand sifting goby (his name is now Tony the goby). And without putting 2&2 together I also got some more sand. Well while Tony was acclimating I siphoned out all the detritus and put in a new layer of sand on top of the old. Well now that I have put 2&2 together I realize there isn't a whole lot for toby to eat now...

    What would be the best course of action to take from here. Anyone want to siphon out some dirty sand for me t let him sift through? I'm looking for suggestions. He does see to be swimming around and happy but his tummy looks a little sunken in. I'm getting some nori today and see if he will eat a bit of that.

    Sent from my hacked HP Touchpad running Android ICS using Tapatalk.

  5. So since tanks must remain empty until 0001hrs jan 15 we need a way to ensure no one starts early. At midnight I will post a pic and the time. You must take a pic of your empty tank and the timed post.

    As far as cycling you may use the starter bacteria or do it the old fashioned way. I dont know how others feel but I dont think the cost of the bacteria should come out of budget. As it is for the inhabitants best interest.

    Anything else?

    Sent from my Galaxy SIII which is cooler than your phone.

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  6. So I guess its settled. Starts jan15. Tanks must be empty at midnight the morning of 1-15-12. Unless someone has any problems with the rules as they are currently written they will stand as official rules.

    5Gallons or less.

    How would we be able to get this as a club sponsored thing?

    Sent from my Galaxy SIII which is cooler than your phone.

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  7. First of all, Happy Thanksgiving everyone... I feel i need to rant for a minute about how my tank and some of its inhabitants annoy me.

    Here are some of my problems,

    ALGAE!!!! aaaarrrrgh its driving me crazy. cyano, dyno's, GHA, and whatever that green crap is growing out of my sand. The stuff wont go away. Now I understand i cant make it ALL go away, but as long as i can remember my tanks have always had algae problems. so I had a dyno problem a few weeks ago. Wrapped the tank in blankets etc for 4 days, problem mostly gone, then i treated it with H2O2 and have been for almost 2 weeks.

    Yesterday we went to the Dome and as usual everyone there was awesome, my daughters favorite part is Hunter lets her feed the fish. we got a sand sifting Gobie, a purple Firefish, and a GBTA. we also got a new piece of RR and some rubble. once at home we noticed one of the pieces of rubble has a lot of GHA on it so I stuck it in a QT so it could get a week of darkness. Bonus: I found a whole colony of Zoa's on it 2 different kinds that i didnt see at the store.

    So as BTA's do this one found a nice spot until the lights went out ant then he went roaming. which is fine. the fire fish went in and immediately hid under a rock near the front. the Gobie sneaked to the back center of the tank under the rockwork and started digging, again im fine with this because its what he does, i just wish he would do it where i could see it. I was able to get 1 of the 2 damsels out and put into a temporary holding tank, the other is just too smart. more on him later. I also put the new RR in and i totally love the aquascape now. its a tall curve if that makes sense.

    So today since the kiddo is staying with Grammie and we decided to NOT go shopping. I started with hacking off the long plug parts on all those frag plugs and gluing them to some rocks. While I did this the lights went off and when i came back i noticed the firefish not doing well his eye half out of its socket kinda lying on the sand. it also looked like his skin was starting to fall off around his head. so first i reached in and he actually let me pick him up. so i pulled him out and put him into the holding tank with the zoos covered in algae.

    Now that the firefish looks bad im concerned about the gobie, so the search begins. I see his tail but cant see the rest. wait where did the GBTA go? crap, spent 5 min searching and figured, i guess he will come out when he is ready. crap the damsel is bullying my new goby (not that its a suprise really) well he must come out then no if ands or buts about it. crap need more water, RO/DI filters arent here yet and i have become suspicious of the HEB RO water from the filter machine outside (i figured it was better than from the tap but now im not so sure) guess ill hit AD tomorrow when i take back my dead fish and get 15gal of water.

    So out comes the LR into a bucket until all thats left is the goby and a damsel and what does that pesky brat do? he hides under the goby. after a laugh i got him out and put him in the holding tank with the other damsel. Anyone want 2 damsels? im sure they will be great in some big gigantic tank where there are some tangs for them to bully. maybe someone with a big lion fish could use them. you know as food.

    back in the LR goes just jumbled this time because i needed more sand anyway and im going back to the LFS tomorrow.

    ok Rant part is over. here are some problems i have realized i have.

    1. no RO/DI, - ordering in 2 weeks until then will buy LFS water.

    2. Damsels - enough said

    3. impatience - Didn't QT the firefish, but then again i dont have anything to QT them in. so its a catch 22.

    4. stupid damsels

    5. dont do a major tank overhaul on thanksgiving when NOTHING is open.

    6. find a way to clean up the detritus, tank looks like a huge dirty snowstorm came through, do I need more flow in the tank to keep it suspended? and wehre does it go? it will float into the back and then wha just sit on the bottom? with the LR in the tank i dont need the sponges and bioballs so they went bye bye. i have cheato in the back too. so what should happen to all that detritus? I guess I am destined to suctions it out during water changes. which sucks because my tank was looking better without water changes than it had been with them (another reason i am suspicious of that HEB water filter machine)

    Anyway thanks for listening, tonight with my tank has been a comedy of errors, so I needed to vent a bit. any suggestions im open to them. I want my tank back together because i saw 2 little gobie's at AD that i want. a rainford and harpers? its black with yellow stripes.

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

  8. aggieMEDIC do you change ur phone every day or what? ur sig changes pretty often

    HAHAHA. multiple devices... Tapatalk on my phone (Galaxy S3) then i use Tapatalk on my Hacked Android Touchpad. then over the last few days since i have been sick at home i have been using my laptop. so different sig depending on what device im using. honestly i never really thought of it being different.

  9. I love clams. But never had one. Im too scared. What do I need for a clam.

    I know a small amount.

    I need lights. What level of lights? Actinic? high lighting?

    Feeding- they are filter feeders. So what do I feed them?

    Anything else?

    Sent from my Galaxy SIII which is cooler than your phone.

  10. I like the veto idea. The participants or an unbiased third party should be able to veto a cost and assign a different price if one is reported outrageously low. But at the same time if you can prove you paid $20 for an entire acro colony because you found some awesome deal on CL then great for you. That's why I suggest finding a similar item on this board or another board and pricing it accordingly. If Capt obvious sells something for really cheap tomorrow it may help all of us. It may also hurt all of us. We just have to be fair in our pricing, and should have some system for resolving disputes. I am not the person to do it (because I'm cheap) but we need to find someone who is willing who knows about pricing these things.

    Finding things cheap on the boards is the best way to stay in budget. If you ''sell'' something to your Pico from your main tank. If its not fairly priced it could be looked into.

    Sent from my hacked HP Touchpad running Android ICS using Tapatalk.

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