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Posts posted by aggieMEDIC

  1. Well unfortunately my black thumb has moved to affect my pico too. I cant keep up with it. It had a feather duster and a flower nem in it but when other stuff started dying I pulled them to protect them and now thats all I have left.

    We leave for disney on thursday morning so all my $$$ has been going toward that and haveent put anything into the tank.

    I was very excited for this contest but sometimes life and bad luck get in the way. Tank is still up but just has some asterina stars in it.

  2. I am in for the ride. Bought an arduino due what else do i need?

    I got the due also so we can help each other with issues.

    Fyi. I found out that inputs and outputs one the due are 3.3v not 5. So we will need to drop the voltage somehow, where necessary.

    no, you will be fine..there is a 5v pin on the due

    I looked into this and here is what i found:

    Warning: Unlike other Arduino boards, the Arduino Due board runs at 3.3V. The maximum voltage that the I/O pins can tolerate is 3.3V. Providing higher voltages, like 5V to an I/O pin could damage the board.

    Here is the source

    How exactly this affects those of us using the Due, i have no idea.

  3. I did that this morning. Im looking for people that know people at this point. Press releases have been sent out and I just got a call from the producer at kvue that they are coming. Hoping to hear from the others tomorrow.

  4. Hey everyone. I am one of the leaders for an ems based explorer post. My post has joined with posts from the police dept and fire dept to create a community emergency response team (CERT).

    What we are trying to do is get media coverage for our cert training on saturday. Doea anyone have any contacts in the media that I could contact and name drop?

    Feel free to email at [email protected] or text me at 512-730-9441.

    Thanks in advance for your help.

  5. So here are my thought on this. the idea of the budget was to level the playing field. I think the budget limits that were set for livestock are more than adequate. the idea of the slush fund was to settle the debate about getting tanks for different prices and saving $ by building a diy vs an AIO vs something else.

    One idea was to split tank and equipment and livestock and corals. but if we do that then others (including me) lose our slush fund that we had set aside for livestock or corals (if i had set it aside for equipment it would not change).

    Another would be to make ANY leftover in ANY budget move to a slush. In that case why have individual budgets why not just say "limit is $550, GO!"

    I vote that because the contest has already started we keep it as is and not make any changes. its not any different than it was when you started the contest. we can then take these ideas and incorporate them into the next contest.

    With that being said lets figure out how to make this a club sponsored event. I know Capt. Obvious, who was working on getting prizes, has gotten prize offers if it is. Neptune comes to mind as one that said they would offer something up if it was sponsored.

    That is my $0.02. take it or leave it.

  6. ok so you guys want to see a pucture...


    Tank looks kinda ugly at the moment. I just put the last of my rock in.

    I just got home from the dome where I was this |-| close to putting an orange frog fish in. I decided not to because then he would be the only fish and he needs live food, but I wanted him really bad.

    I did however pick up a cool blue and orange pipefish as well as a blue striped cleaner goby. In the coral department I nabbed an orange feather duster and a small $5 frag of suncoral.

    Ill post budget here in a few days.

    Pic will follow as soon as everyone gets acclimated.

    I see dead people. Then I bring them back to life.

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