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Can aiptasia be bright green?


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I just noticed two anemone looking things on the back glass last night hidden behind some rock. They are very green and anemone looking.

Nearly impossible to get a picture of. I may have to pull some rock to get to them.

The larger of the two is 3/4-1" in diameter. The smaller is 1/2-3/4" in diameter...though that could be somewhat off because of the angle I have to look through the glass to see them.

And I figure if I can barely see them, how many more are there? :doh:

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Sounds like it could be majano (anemonia sp.) anemones. If that's what it is, it can range from being mostly harmless, to being a real pest. I had a few in my display tank that hitchhiked in on some liverock.. I killed some with aiptasia-x and transplanted some into my sump, where they seem to be behaving themselves. So far no reappearance in the display, and very little reproduction in the sump.

I must say, though, that my experience seems to be atypical.. many people regard them as a worse pest than aiptasia, some even go so far as to tear down a display tank to eradicate them.

Edited by NonSequitur
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Mojanos are very attractive I have 4 in one of my nanos and since they stopped trying to spread (after a bitter 2 week campaign) I've left them alone and enjoyed looking at them.

That being said as I move to my newest tank I'll be excluding them. Although I keep having this pesky thought that I may set up a pico for them as I really think they're very attractive.

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Majano! KILL IT!!! Blue life Aptasia Killer is about the only thing that will kill those green ones. Believe me. I am one of the people that had to tear a tank down because of them. I ended up with thousands of them!

Ugh...everyone online seems out of stock. Wonder if anyone local has it...

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I nailed mine as follows: (those I didn't decide to keep that is..)

Get a syringe,

Boil some RO water

Fill syringe with boiling water and inject anemone,

Although this method often (about 40% in my experience) requires reapplication I like this method because of both low cost and low chance of impacting even the closest of neighboring creatures (mine were mixed in tightly with palys.

It took 4-5 applications to get my original infestation down to the 4 I have now.

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I nailed mine as follows: (those I didn't decide to keep that is..)

Get a syringe,

Boil some RO water

Fill syringe with boiling water and inject anemone,

Although this method often (about 40% in my experience) requires reapplication I like this method because of both low cost and low chance of impacting even the closest of neighboring creatures (mine were mixed in tightly with palys.

It took 4-5 applications to get my original infestation down to the 4 I have now.

Instead of RO water, use vinegar or lemon juice. Consider the small volumn required and in my opinion you could use something caustic like kwasser water.


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I've always had success making a paste of Kalk and RO water, just a few drops of water to a lot of Kalk powder. Make it thick like a milkshake. Using a medium syringe, no needle necessary, push a little of the paste onto the open mouth of the majano or aptasia. The critter will quickly withdraw into itself with the paste all over its mouth. Then when it is all tiny and balled up, pour a little more paste all over the body until there is no anemone showing. In about 2 hours it will dissolve like it was submerged in acid.

Depending upon the stability of your tank and its size, you might only attack a few anemones a day instead of all at once. Reason being is the paste can affect the PH of the tank.

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