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How long should lights be on?


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Well, I've asked two different people and I've gotten two very different answers. So..... what do you guys think?

I have t5s (2 18k, 2 actinic) on my 65 gal. Livestock = mushrooms, a leather, a pagoda, and some assorted polyps. Also a few fish and shrimp. How long should the lights be left on? Should the actinics come on first?

I would appreciate any suggestions!

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I run my tank 12 on and 12 off. My fuge is 24 on. Chaeto likes 16-18 hours of light but I am getting good results with it always on. I don't think you need to stagger the start times unless you are running MH with the T5s. Even then I don't know how necessary it really is. I can see my corals start to close up about Min before my light goes off every night, I think they will adjust either way.

Edited by muddybluewater
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+2 to 12hrs. I also use the actinic(or what's close in my tank) as sunrise/set lamps.

I generally don't turn any light on unitl 9-11am. I have a large window,~8ft from my tank, that faces southeasterly and I use the natural sunlight to wake everyone up. My wife likes to turn everything on first thing after she gets up, usually around 8-9, but I'm not home those days so I can't control it.

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Funny this. Before going to bed last night I hit the light section of Calfo's Coral Prop. Book. He states that 8-10 hours is optimal but he also prefers lower light than I think most of us use. He recommends halides but at 3x 150W for 24" tanks. Mind you he is also a huge proponent of just using natural light so go figure. He also recommends 6500K color which I thought was interesting.

CRMike, I thought you had solar lights for your setup?

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I just changed my photoperiod:

Main Tank:

Moon Lights: 8a-11a, 11p-2a

MH (2x250w): 11a-3p, 5p-8p (7 hours total; staggered to help control the heat a little)

VHO: 3p-11p (currently 4x110w VHO, but switching to 2x54w T5)




MH (1x175w): 10p-6a

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I'm very frugal with electricity. I run my tank lights 5 hours a day. Coral can't consume that much light anyway. I give them what they need and not a penny more.

Couldn't have said it better.

CRMike, I thought you had solar lights for your setup?

Ah gotta keep up with the posts. I have natural light via solar tubes over my 400g tank. Metal halides over my 75g tank. Until I shell out $15K for Centex to level my foundation I cannot set up the big tank.

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