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I Have Started My SW


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how is that search for the 90 coming a long mike? I want to do another Vivid order so some of these tanks that are being talked about need to come on line!!!

Really good actually, just have to find the exact right time to tell Laura I'm ordering it. Our son is off on a scout trip for 10 days so she's been very relaxed. I figure a good romantic night out on the town may cinch it. :)

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Im hopeing to have mine up and running by next week. then i will be ready for a pretty good size vivid order as im going to have to fill this thing up. YaY 4 Fairy wrasse and purple tang time.. gonna be nice to have a tank big enough to have them.

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Really good actually, just have to find the exact right time to tell Laura I'm ordering it. Our son is off on a scout trip for 10 days so she's been very relaxed. I figure a good romantic night out on the town may cinch it. :)

Or completely ruin your evening when she finds out what you REALLY had in mind.

You can sleep on my couch if need be.

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LOL, sounds like I found some true friends. I may have an even better out now, though. Tonight she asked me if I'd make a special trip to Houston to see the in-laws and some relatives in town from out of state. Now she'll owe me.....

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Just my $.02 worth, I wouldn't recommend a bow front. I have a 72 bow front now and I think it is more difficult to keep the front glass clean. The curve does not let scrapers get as much pressure as a flat front. You are only scraping with the edges. It also is fairly narrow at the ends. Mine has a canopy and this had made problems with certain light fixtures being too wide to fit inside. If I had it to do over again (Cry Mulligan!), I would get a 90 or larger rectangular flat front. Again, this is strictly my opinion.

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I got my 24g in january and I am already itching for a bigger tank. I think I just convinced my wife to let me put the 24g in the nursery when we get that going. If I move the 24g I will be getting a 72 bowfront or a 90g to replace it with.

Bu.. bu.. but I am not ready to upgrade my 75 gallon yet! ;)

Now how come I didn't think about the put the 24g in the nursery line <_<

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LOL you sure you dont want a 90 <_<

I actually googled it and found some articles about aquariums being soothing to newborns and showed them to the wife. Now she thinks it was her idea to put it in there!

They are very soothing. When our daughter was just a few months old, she loved to sit in her swing and watch the fish tank... so much so she would fall asleep. She still loves watching it, but now that she is mobile (9.5 months old), there are plenty of other things to explore in the house ;)

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