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New Apex


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I’m having a real hard time setting up my Apex to my network! I have search the internet until my eyes started bleeding. I have tried everything imaginable.

Any help wold be appreciated,


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I went through the same after an electrical storm a few months ago.  I spent about a week messing with mine and couldn't get it working, I finally reached out to customer support and they scheduled a meeting via Teamviewer.  Within 5 minutes they confirmed there was a problem and had me send the unit to them.  It was an older model without wifi built-in, and I was ultimately told they couldn't repair or replace that model. They gave me $300 toward the purchase of a new one and I bit because I had all the other modules that were dependent on the main unit.

I'd reach out to them and if they can't help I'd figure out how much you have invested in that ecosystem and look at some alternative controllers if your needs aren't that complex.

Best of luck!

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