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Help with nems


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Can I borrow someone's clown that hosts for a few days so they can teach mine? My nems are dying and I have 14 clowns that won't touch them.
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The nems dying and the clowns not hosting are two separate issues. Anemones can live just fine without clownfish.

Can you tell us about your tank? Water parameters? Lighting?
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Tank has been setup for 1 1/2 years but moved to new home in June. The nems are fed daily with krill or silverfish. The clowns are all new ORA ocelaris, misbar and not as well as snowflakes.

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I should add the Ora are significant smaller in comparison to 4 large spawning clarki that were too vicious to add any other fish for fear that they had already cleared 18 other clarki.

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The nems dying and the clowns not hosting are two separate issues. Anemones can live just fine without clownfish.

Can you tell us about your tank? Water parameters? Lighting?

The tank is a 90g nem only tank with MARS AQUA LED

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I would stop feeding the nems daily, they don't need it.  Assuming you have decent lighting nems can live completely on photosynthesis.  You're much more likely to feed them something bad and make them sick than you are of them to starve.  I only target feed mine when I'm specifically trying to get them to grow or split.

If you want to continue feeding them, cut back to a few times a week and only feed them mysis.  Unless you're finely dicing the silversides they can end up rotting in the nems stomach quicker than they can be digested.

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I agree with mFrame, daily feedings of anemones is unnecessary. In fact I've seen that overfeeding anemones can be more detrimental than not feeding them at all in my experience.


Can you elaborate on why you think your anemones are dying? What are the symptoms? Do you have any pictures?

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I agree with mFrame, daily feedings of anemones is unnecessary. In fact I've seen that overfeeding anemones can be more detrimental than not feeding them at all in my experience.


Can you elaborate on why you think your anemones are dying? What are the symptoms? Do you have any pictures?





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I have lost in the past two weeks 3 BTA and 1 carpet that was the clarkii home that was 17". He moved around this week beginning on Tuesday and traveled from one side of the tank to the other, back to front of the tank, went twice up to the filter (all in three days) and found him dead - like mush yesterday morning and had to throw it into the toilet for fear that the film would make the water worse. Did a water change after that and used the Red Sea tester and everything was normal. I also lost 4 fish without ever finding them so I am assuming the nems ate them. Only problem I have been having is green algae which I added emerald crabs to help and a nem crab (he is a bad ***) and have been doing water changes weekly. The one thing that triggered my tank was when the clarkii left.


Too late for pictures but will send tomorrow with exact readings of the test results.

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The nems dying and the clowns not hosting are two separate issues. Anemones can live just fine without clownfish.

Can you tell us about your tank? Water parameters? Lighting?


Salinity 1.025
Ph 8.4
Ammonia 0
Nitrates 0
Nitrites .1
Phosphate .1
Kh 8.4
Calcium 460
Mag 1160

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When you say "carpet", you mean a mini carpet or a Hadonni?  I haven't seen clowns host mini-carpets (even though some clowns will host anything).  Having a mix of anemone types can cause a chemical war that normal water tests won't detect.  I've seen issues with Long Tentacles and BTAs not coexisting.  You can run carbon if you think that may have been the case.

Also, if it was a Hadonni that's a good culprit to identify your missing fish.  And yes, it could have died trying to digest whatever it ate.

FarmerTy has also had issues where he has saved BTAs from bacterial infections.  I'll let him chime in on his treatment.

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When you say "carpet", you mean a mini carpet or a Hadonni?  I haven't seen clowns host mini-carpets (even though some clowns will host anything).  Having a mix of anemone types can cause a chemical war that normal water tests won't detect.  I've seen issues with Long Tentacles and BTAs not coexisting.  You can run carbon if you think that may have been the case.
Also, if it was a Hadonni that's a good culprit to identify your missing fish.  And yes, it could have died trying to digest whatever it ate.
FarmerTy has also had issues where he has saved BTAs from bacterial infections.  I'll let him chime in on his treatment.
That's all Gig'em. He's the anemone expert but I used some cipro I got to treat the bacterial infection. I'm sure he'll chime in when he's settled from traveling.
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