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Regarding Great ARC members that helped move out tanks in RR


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First I wanted to repeat myself and say how awesome it was to have strangers come help a newbie and her husband move a125 and 150g into their new home. However I have a question. You all told me that those huge Clarkiis I could sell in any LFS would offer at least  around $40 for each of those full grown spawning clarkiis. You guys told me where to go and he would give a fair deal. So after having these clarkiis for 4 years, see them frown and all my husband goes into the LFS you all suggested and gets 12.50 A peice! Now I didn't know what the expect. I went by your expert opinion but clearly what I think happened was I got suckered. And if that is the case I don't know if I want to deal with them anymore. Thoughts? 

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husband believed it without me there driving during the storm and said that was it. My fav LFS store in Austin too. F'ed up. Plus he didn't tell me because we really like the LGS and didn't think he would ever lie. Lesson learned. LFS are just basically cutthroat and don't really care how happy their CONSTANT buyers are. 

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I don't know the whole story about the clownfish or who told you that you could get $40 for them at a store, but in my opinion they may have misled you (innocently) on that price. In defense of a fish store, they can't stay in business by buying fish from people at or above market price. Regular Clarkii clownfish online retail for $20-$30. If a store paid more than retail price then they would be losing money and go out of business, especially if one or both of the fish died before they were resold.


Honestly getting $12.50 per fish was a fair deal, you received roughly 50% of their retail value, which is normal in the hobby. If you wanted $40 for them, the only way you would do that would be selling it yourself on the forums or Craigslist. I think that maybe that's what the reef members were referring to when they said you could sell them for $40. I'm sorry your expectations were let down! It's pretty crummy when that happens. But the LFS has rent and costs of doing business and they would simply go under if they paid the same price for something that they would sell it for.

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As Gig'em said, I don't think $12.50 for Clarkii's is unfair.  Larger, more mature fish are often more difficult to place as there aren't as many big tank customers around as small ones.  Clarkii's can also be aggressive.  Add in all the designer clowns floating around, flooding the market, and more common ones like Clarkii's just don't have the value they once did.

Before catching fish and taking them to the store to sell or trade, you can always call around and ask.  That will save time and stress on you and the fish.

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