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DB's 82 Custom


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Hello ARC! First off, I'd like to say that I wish I could be more active on our forums, but a career change and raising the kiddos has me on lock down most of the day!  I have had the pleasure of meeting several of the local reefers and was lucky enough to snatch up some frags that are growing out nicely! 

I really wanted to do a highly detailed build thread, but I just haven't had the time! So I will start out slow and as I get more time this fall, I will be adding more photos of my tanks progress.

So here we go, I relocated back to Texas last July after moving around chasing claims as an independent adjuster. I grew up in the Dallas suburbs and couldn't be happier to have selected Austin (Round Rock) as my new and permanent home. I changed careers about 6 months ago and I'm now doing roof consulting / sales and helping folks out with insurance claims, etc.  I never dreamed of being as busy as I am and I was terrified to change careers after 17 years, but as it turns out, best decision I ever made!

Now, on to the good stuff! I really wanted a 5' x 2' x 2' tank but after very long consideration, I decided to find something manageable and easier to move, as we are in a 2-year lease and it will be next year before we purchase a home. So I dug around all over the place, drove to Galveston once to look at a tank that Ty found for me, turned out to not be the one I really wanted.  (thanks though, Ty!) The search went on for a few months and I finally found a really cool Planet Aquarium custom rimless with ghost style overflow up in Big D. I spoke to the guy and determined the tank had never been wet and also found out that he had some Bashsea equipment.  Having lived in Michigan for awhile I was very familiar with Steve Bashi and his killer equipment. None of this stuff had ever been used and I couldn't pass up the deal, so off to Dallas!


So here are a few images and thanks for reading my story! I look forward to meeting more of you guys and gals in the near future! Reef on! 





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Thanks, guys! It's still a bit from getting wet & salty, but I will do my best to keep it up to date! I'm pretty excited about it, but who doesn't get excited during a new build, lol. John, I don't know that I will be putting anyone to shame lol, besides its whats inside the glass box that counts and you have me destroyed at this point! yes, I have SPS envy, lol.

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Thanks, guys! It's still a bit from getting wet & salty, but I will do my best to keep it up to date! I'm pretty excited about it, but who doesn't get excited during a new build, lol. John, I don't know that I will be putting anyone to shame lol, besides its whats inside the glass box that counts and you have me destroyed at this point! yes, I have SPS envy, lol.
Its what's inside that counts! Quit being so shallow John!
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  • 1 month later...

It's been a slow work in progress, but plumbing has arrived!  I still need to make the top & bottom woodwork, along with an electric box, but it's getting closer to being ready for water!  The canopy I'm using is from my previous tank, so the dimensions aren't ideal, but it will work until I finally get a 5' tank, waaaay down the road. :)

I'll be updating more often now that I'm getting closer and actually have a little spare time! Looks kind of silly having a 3' tank on the 5' stand, but it is what it is!




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Tanks are like cars and bikes and women - I dig most all of them.  I like the budget builds for their DIYness and ability/willingness to refurbish and repurpose; I like the high end builds for their finish and bling and to dream about what I would/will do when I build my dream tank.  Looking forward to this one!

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