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Coolest inverts!


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So I know the turbo snails, neccarius snails, emeral crabs, and small hermits are pretty standard in most peoples' reef tanks. What are some less seen inverts that are cool to keep? I saw an oliva snail at BobCatReefer's house yesterday and thought it was super cool. It made me wonder what other more rare inverts people know of and keep.

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I saw an oliva snail at BobCatReefer's house yesterday and thought it was super cool.

Good on you for looking that up! That's actually one of the longest living inhabitants in my system - has to be 5+ years. Definitely one of my favorites.

So now that I'm looking them up online, I see a bunch of posts about them being snail predators. I haven't ever noticed mine chasing other snails, but now that I think about it, all the tiny snails I added a couple of months ago seem to be gone now. Only one smaller Nassarius left in the tank that I can tell (think I had a half dozen at one time?), but 2 of the 3 giant Nassarius (1.5"+) I've had for a couple of years are still roaming around.

Another favorite of mine was my Sea Hare, but she passed away this week after apparently trying to eat either a snail disc, or more likely, a broken off (shed?) wall coral skeleton sliver. When I found her the other morning, her tummy looked all distended and it was halfway out her rear, so it had already made it's way through her system. Poor girl sad.png Definitely going to get another one if I notice any algae issues. Never had a better algae eater, and she can get way back in nooks and crannies that urchins can't.

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I would say Acropora Crabs are pretty rare. Hobbyists used to think of them as pests and eradicated the species from their tanks. There have been some studies that show the health of the coral is promoted when the crabs are present. Some hobbyists have been keeping them, but I think the stigma remains.

Skunk Cleaner Shrimp are often a favorite when visitors come and view my tank. Personally, I like Orange Linkia Stars. The blue and purple have low durability and I would avoid them.

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Not rare but decorator crabs are fun, until they decide they have expensive taste and start using your most expensive corals as a hat! I always like to have a brittle starfish. They're just cool overall, but also make a great conversation piece. It creeps out most of the people that come over and notice the tank, lol! I've had basket starfish as hitchhikers before and they were really neat.

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It creeps out most of the people that come over and notice the tank, lol!

FluxCapacitor had a weirded out moment when I told him those crazy long arms in my tank were from a 10yr+ brittle star! laugh.png

I swear there have been about 100 times when I thought that thing was dead because it hadn't moved in weeks. Lived in the same 6" for years at a time. Every now and then goes on walkabout and then that's it for a while - back to the same 6".

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It creeps out most of the people that come over and notice the tank, lol!

FluxCapacitor had a weirded out moment when I told him those crazy long arms in my tank were from a 10yr+ brittle star! laugh.png

I swear there have been about 100 times when I thought that thing was dead because it hadn't moved in weeks. Lived in the same 6" for years at a time. Every now and then goes on walkabout and then that's it for a while - back to the same 6".

This has been my experience with them too.

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My favorite CuC is the Trochus snail. They're hardy, hungry, very fast, strong, and can upright themselves. Plus they have a cool zebra pattern.

As far as rare, it's really hard to find someone selling Abalones. We had one in our old tank and loved him! Of note, once you put them in the tank, you aren't getting them out. They are so strong you pretty much have to kill them to get them off the wall.

Even though they are the bane of my skimmer pump, I like the stomatellas. They are cute. So are limpets. Both will breed in your tank so you get the added bonus of baby stomy's and limets.

We have a chiton in our tank that is very interesting. It only comes out at night, and looks kinda creepy, but it's cool to watch.

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Even though they are the bane of my skimmer pump, I like the stomatellas

That has been mini brittle stars for me. Get sucked into the skimmer and tangled up in the needle wheel and all but stall the skimmer, requiring near monthly removal and cleanings

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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