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Berghia buy


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I'm going to be placing an order for some berghia nudibranchs from Reef Town, if anyone's interested in joining in on the order. I live far south. Thinking of ordering by Wed 7/6 for delivery the next morning.

I'm thinking this might a sign I have an aiptasia problem [emoji14]


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Yes, I have a few wrasses. I've had them work fairly well in the past even with the wrasses. It wasn't 100% eradication like in previous wrasses-less tanks. My current plan is to introduce half of them into the sump where I have a lot of aiptasia, the other half in the display. We'll see. I have an obscene amount of aiptasia, not exaggerating, so I'm hoping they can make a dent before the wrasses find them, then I can use another method to get the rest. The wrasses go to bed quite early and supposedly the berghia are nocturnal. The sump is really where I'm interested to see what they can do. Maybe they'll reproduce down there and I can transfer them to the display over time? I want to give it a shot.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes. I have thousands :( They're just recently starting to bother a coral or two, luckily. I've had an aiptasia eating filefish in there for a while. This is another angle I wanted try.


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Sort of. It's increased slowly over time. Last time I had an aiptasia eating filefish and tried berghia, it wiped them all out. Then the filefish died unfortunately and eventually I saw aiptasia again. It's really hard for me to find time to be up on a ladder digging around in the tank, because of the 2 youngest boys I have underfoot. So this type of maintenance is really hard for me at this point in my life! I've also looked into getting one of those lasers, but I have too many aiptasia at this point for that. So that's an approach I'd like to try once I get the numbers down to a manageable level.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I used berghia in the past, I think the same group by as victoly, and had great success, but that was in the sump. I have a decent amount in my display these days as well. Got a laser, it works, kinda, but only on the smaller ones. The bigger ones get irritated, shrink up, but seems they grow back bigger! I have 4 wrasses right now, I like them all, but berghia seems like they'd just be a pretty expensive mean. :)

Do you feel the filefish did a good job? What are the down sides of a filefish?

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I used berghia in the past, I think the same group by as victoly, and had great success, but that was in the sump. I have a decent amount in my display these days as well. Got a laser, it works, kinda, but only on the smaller ones. The bigger ones get irritated, shrink up, but seems they grow back bigger! I have 4 wrasses right now, I like them all, but berghia seems like they'd just be a pretty expensive mean. smile.png

Do you feel the filefish did a good job? What are the down sides of a filefish?

I can't be sure exactly, but it seems that now twice I've had an aiptasia eating filefish and they've done an amazing job. Last time I had one, I added berghia about a week later and soon enough all the aiptasia was gone. So I don't know where to give credit, maybe they all had something to do with it. That filefish didn't touch anything else in the tank and unfortunately he ended up dying. I don't remember whether he ate prepared food or not. I got another aiptasia eating filefish from Just Reef a while back and about a week or two ago I noticed a dramatic decrease in aiptasia in my DT, and I still haven't added a single berghia. That rock I posted a picture of up above ^^^ is totally clean now!! Not a single aiptasia in sight, it's really incredible. I assume it's the filefish although I haven't had any time to sit and watch him eat one. This time around I'm having some trouble with all of my acans, and nothing else, so there's a chance he's picking at them. I haven't seen him mess with them though, but I've been too busy to watch closely.

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Well, I'm interested in a "natural" solution to the aiptasia. I might have to give one a try. Thank for the input!

I'd definitely suggest giving one a try! Just keep an eye on it if you notice problems with any corals you have.

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