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Fireman cole

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Wow! That's high. How did it get that high?

Water changes would help lower it with a salt mix that is lower in alk. Though I don't recommend it, adding muriatic acid can also lower your alk levels.

I guess if you're a fireman, then you've been trained in handling hazardous materials. If you want to know more details of using muriatic acid to lower you alk level, just PM me.

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Its i in a 20g 8sump the tank has ben up and runing for about 4 monts the tank has been good ihavent had to add anythaing i use a API test kit i had my watter tested ant my local fish store in marble falls not shur what kit he used but he was geting the same reading

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You might test your new saltwater and your tap water. Since your system is still new I wouldn't worry too much about it, it should go down as you start adding animals. Of course that kinda depends on the animals, myanemone tank bounces between 13 and 15 and one of my systems that's mostly polyps around 10 or 11

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elevating your calcium and magnesium will cause all three to be used equally, lowering all 3 back into normal range. Aside from this.. water changes. test alk on the change water prior to using it, ensure its in the normal range.

for a long detailed read:


BRS video covering most of the info in that article in a simpler fashion:

always remember, Ca+Mg+Alk relationship.... dont chase numbers, look at them in context.

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No i dont use a buffer what should i use

Nothing right now. Just needed to rule out that being a cause of the high ALK.

What's your water change schedule and how is the water you use prepared (treated tap, RO, RODI, distilled, etc.)?

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If your system is dropping dkh from 28 to 14 that should give you a little bit of an

idea what's happening in your system. As mentioned above you will need to monitor your calcium and magnesium as well but I'm thinking at least your calcium will be pretty high as well. You certainly do not need to be adding any buffer right now, you don't need your alkalinity higher. You don't have a lot of animals that would be using your alkalinity and my experience your current levels wouldn't be causing your soft coral frags to not open up. With an anemone in a tank that small I would be hesitant to add more animals. Considering your system is still maturing I would first take a wait and see attitude but if you want to lower it getting an ro/di filter seems your best bet.

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I wouldnt use well water as top-off... its got minerals and elements which will accumulate over time... same reason we dont typically use plain RO, but RO/DI.... but this is more for TDS creep, but does eliminate other factors. you also dont know what else is i that water (unless you;ve had it tested)

limestone is every where here, your water may be super high alk and calcium as-is to begin with.. you might be experiencing alk-creep :) you may be better off w/ distilled water over well water, if your ro/di system cant keep up.

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