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Announcing the August 2015 (Informal Meeting)


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No official meeting this month, but for those interested in getting together and talking tank and sharing frags Dan H has offered to host an informal gathering at his place. Details are:

Saturday 8/15 @ 3pm
6305 Maury Hollow

Austin, TX 78750

Feel free to discuss and plan in this thread.

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I have some frags I could bring for swapping if people are interested. I'll try to post pics tomorrow. All are well encrusted and healthy.

Make me an offer or let me know what you have to trade ...

3" Birdsnest colony (green with purple polyps)

2" Tyree Cyphastrea Japonica frag

3"+ Red Montipora Cap

1" Red Montipora Cap

1/2" ORA Hawkins Echinata (multi growth points)

1/2" WWC Yellow Tips Acro (multi growth points)

1" Dark Purple Montipora Digi

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I may be interested in the Yellow Tips acro... :)

Well hopefully a few people are not tied up this weekend and can make it. I figure we can just shoot the breeze, swap some frags and just talk fish nerd. Plus like I mentioned in the other thread, Meg's outta town this week so I could use some human interaction.

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Dan's been talking to the fish a little too much? [emoji12]

Define too much? More likely that I'm talking to Hobbes too much, and fiddling with new tank toys that arrived today. :)

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