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I have been exploring options for remotely monitoring my tank. The thing is I am not really looking to control anything as much of my equipment has controllers already. IE Programmable Reef Breeders lights, Jecod programmable pump, power head, dosing pumps, ATO, heaters etc...

What I need is to monitor pH as I am starting Kalk dosing, as well as temperature and other things I could get included like salinity? water level? etc...

Definitely want something I can connect to by Smartphone and something that will alert me with text email etc...preferably WIFI enabled

Don't really see the products out there I really like. Especially something that is affordable and does only what I want it too.


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You may be able to find a used reef keeper that has the internet bus where you could remotely monitor and control your system. They pop up used on here for cheaper than the Apex systems

yes I have seen the systems coming up here IE APEX Lite and some others. But they seem more into the switched outlets and controlling equipment which I really do not need. Yes they monitor pH but when it comes strictly monitoring and alerting then everything is an add on and these systems being offered are not including those up grades, so it really seems like wasted $$$ for the controllers.

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I've not used one, but you might check out the seneye monitors. They seem to be in your price range and do a lot of what you want.


Yes I looked at this Jim and right it will do what i want for ~ $450 But I do like it. This and a camera would set me back ~ $600

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I've not used one, but you might check out the seneye monitors. They seem to be in your price range and do a lot of what you want.


Yes I looked at this Jim and right it will do what i want for ~ $450 But I do like it. This and a camera would set me back ~ $600

Whoa! Guess I read it wrong. To me it looked like the $139 model did most of what you were asking for. Guess I did not read the fine print!


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The $139 model monitors a few basic things but then the upgraded system for ~$212 allows you to connect the wifi system for another $200+ to it to get you online with continuous readings and notices to smartphones etc...

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