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Anyone here have a tank at work

Capt. Obvious

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Just curious to see what everyone's "work tank" looks like, if you have one.

Here is mine to kick off this thread, it isn't much but it helps get me through the day (full desk shot)


You win points for website choice. :)

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I had one but it was a pain doing water changes so took it down after a few months. If I had a reasonably easy method of changing water, I'd definitely set one up again.

Mine is small enough I simply siphon out a large voss bottle (750mL) worth of old water and bring new water in another large voss bottle

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I ran my 3g pico on my desk for about 5 years. I kept a super big gulp cup in my drawer along with a gallon bottle of saltwater and a gallon of RO. Water change consisted of scooping out a cup of water and refilling with saltwater once a week. Topoff during the week with RO, but the lid on the pico minimized evaporation.

The biggest problem I had was everyone constantly coming by the desk to check out the critters while I was trying to work, but those same people were always happy to feed and top off the tank when I took time off so it balanced out.

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