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New 150 Gallon Frag Tank (A.G.E. 60x36x16")


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Well I screwed up on the stand...

Just figured out what the dimensions needed to be to get through the front door...

Forgot it needed to get through the office's interior door... oops...

The stand builder was really understanding and we came up with a solution that had a removable base and central supports...

Might be a few more days until the stand is done now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well here is how we ended up changing it to fit in the interior door...

Blue and red sections are separate, connected by sleeves...

Should be able to angle both pieces into the room...


Just got started again on it today. Had to start from scratch and had a few other jobs that got lined up after her started the first stand.


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Got the stand all cleaned up and ready to prime and paint!


It won't stop raining and I want to move our cars out of the garage to paint. I don't drive my car in the rain, so it's delaying everything :(


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Looking good. Popup tent for the car?? JK tongue.png Hopefully the rain will stop just long enough for you to get it painted!

LOL! Yeah just too paranoid to paint with the car in there.

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Did AGE approve that stand? It looks a little light on horizontal cross bracing to me. It's not the size or gauge of the material that concerns me but the number of horizontal bracing on the top. 30"x32" seems like a huge hole to span.

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Nah didn't ask A.G.E. about it. Not too concerned with the warranty. If it breaks I have bigger problems ;-)

Our display stand only has one horizontal support up top on a 120" span.

Steel's pretty darn strong! Also 16" height versus 31" on the display. Guessing should be fine :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks :)

Wish I had more time to work on it...

Really neglected the big tank for a while. Last weekend we moved over 14 corals and also installed the Neptune DoS for automatic water changes.

Still need to program and test it, but I'm really happy to do 2-3 gallons of changes per day from now on.

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  • 3 months later...

Looking good!

How come you decided to run with sand in the frag tank?

Hadn't really thought about until Seth mentioned it.

Looked more into and since it's not plumbed into a display thought it would add:

- Little more stability / buffer

- Reflectivity

- Place for inverts.

Will still have a few fish in the tank, so basically it's own tank, just focused on coral.

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Been following along on this thread and the tank is awesome looking and should be a real success. Never did catch what lighting you decided on and was wondering how good of a fit Kessils would be in a wide tank like that. In going with LEDs is Kessil a good fit as it is a shallow tank and really does not require the penetration of the blue Kessil brings. In addition with LEDs in a grow out tank I would be looking at more bright white light in the 6.5k to the 12k region of the spectrum for accelerated growth and some independent blue and UV lighting only used to begin an acclimation period prior to moving into a display tank to color up the coral .

Also IMHO and limited experience I would mention that I believe running sand in a frag tank provides little to no positive elements. It will inhibit your ability to maintain a clean environment for sps corals. Having fish and a clean up crew again limits your ability to assert total control over introducing food and controlling waste. And I'm with Reburn on the skimming issue. With a grow out frag tank you would want to be able to over skim only during non feeding periods. IE: feed all night with low filtration by fast flow or increasing return pump w/ no mechanical filtration in place and skimmer off. Then during the day mechanical filtration with lower return pump flow and over skim. This is where a controlled DC pump comes in handy. This way you totally manage your nutrients and can feed heavy and pull out all excess during the day. But you need a skimmer rated at 300 gals and a controllable pump to do this. to accomplish this.

The new Jecod 2015 pumps are a real improvement over the Jabeo pumps. I moved away from the Sicce pumps to Jecod with my new build and I am happy with it. My tank has a 7' rise and the pump goes thru a manifold to 2 X 1/4 " nozzles with several 90s along the way and I am still getting great pressure at the nozzles with a DCT 8000 or 2000gph pump. In my build threat I list gph at 700gph at the nozzles by using a standard high pressure pump actuary and the listed feet of rise / run, ID tubing size as well as 90 turns and reductions. Says I would be getting ~ 700 gph which puts me at around 4.5 X turnover. But I believe it could easily be more. I like the control of the Jecod pump as well as the Jebao RW 15 power head both at extremely reasonable prices. And if they last 5 years (which my Sicce's barely did at twice the price) then they will have more than paid for themselves.

Good luck and I'll have to get out to your place sometime soon.


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Easier to take the sand out than add it down the line. Adding a new sand, might cause a little cycle.

Sort of like the element of an added buffer and also placing some coral directly on the sand and not on a rack.

I have this same sand in my display and don't get sand storms with a lot more flow.

Not doing Kessils or expensive lights on this tank.


1 - Current Marine Orbit 48-60" LED for coral that don't need as much light...
1 - Cheap Chinese LEDs 48-60" LED with 3 watt drivers for SPS.

The Current Marine have a nice built in ramp timer.

The Cheap Chinese LEDs have a remote and can dim, etc... but default to off when you turn them off, meaning that a timer will only turn off the lights. I'll have to power them on with the remote in the morning. Not the end of the world, but annoying with how used to automation I've become...

I used a lux meter on my phone to see the difference 3" under each light. Sorry I don't want to figure out the conversion to par.

Current Marine (100% 3"): 8,000-12,000 lux
Cheap Chinese LED (100% 3"): 35,000-52,000 lux
Kessil A360WE (80% 10"): 50,000-80,000 lux

I think the Cheap Chinese LEDs will do just fine at 12-16" for SPS.

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Well the water is almost to the overflow now...

You can see the disco ball effect of the CCL fixture. I don't think it'll be that bad with coral and black racks in there...


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