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Paly pruning


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I've got to prune some palys (Texas trash and yellow palys) - has anyone had success injecting kalk paste or Joe's Juice? Have a different method? Plan to do this over the weekend.

Also, I've put rock rubble over the palys so that it'll spread to the rubble and then I can give it away for free...


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I actually have been working on getting these out of my tanks by removing the rock and actually plucking the polyps from the rocks. Sometimes they come off in small bunches and sometimes they burst and make a little stinky mess. After a paly removal session I use a toothbrush and plenty of tank water (kept after a water change) to thoroughly rinse the rock of the toxin and then place them back in the tank. Please don't forget to wear eye protection and gloves and wash everything the toxin may or may not have come in contact with thoroughly.. :)

I thought about trying to kill them with something with out removing them from the tanks but would be worried that they would release the toxin into the water column and crash the tanks.

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I think it's worth the effort to remove the base rock. These guys have some powerful toxins and I'd hate to hear that killing them in tank ended up taking down other things in the tank.

Any other paly/zoa and I'd destroy in the tank, but not these guys. Alright, maybe not purple deaths either. Those are loaded too!

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Tried flipping the base rock over on these guys and it didn't work They came on around and after weeks the ones on the bottom were still alive. Ended up trading the base rock in after removing other coral. Cost pennies on the dollar at RCA. Seems someone is always willing to buy those things. LOL !

Still have them in tank in a purple skinned birds nest. They are a pain in the donkey Good luck.

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Can you use a piece of 1/2 CPVC attached to a syphon hose and scrap them off with the end of the CPVC? I've scraped lots of zoas and palys off when they were encroaching on other corals with just a credit card and the only palys I've had problems with are the blue/green Texas trash version but if I can syphon off all that slime they produce so much the better even if it's a variety that's not toxic.

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Well I didn't have to do any pruning because today the tank crashed. I have no idea what caused it, but within a matter of hours, even after testing everything, doing a 20% water change and running carbon, I'm pretty sure I've lost all zoas, palys, mushrooms and montis. sad.png Unaffected - fish, nem, goni, leathers, bubble coral. Acans/Frogspawn might pull through.

If any make it through, I'll give ya some!

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Same here Elizzy. Let me know if you need any help, especially in the diagnosing department. I have every manner of test kits and could maybe help you get to the bottom of the issue... as long as it's not a toxicity/metals issue.

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Thanks y’all. Ty – I’d like to take you up on your offer to test my water (will pm). I’ve had the acans and mushrooms for over five years, so I’m really bummed. I didn’t realize how quickly the monti would die, or I would have rehomed it as soon as it started bleaching out. Seriously was within a few hours. Everything still looked bad this morning. I did remove and check all cords in the tank – they’re all good.

Do you think there’s anything else I should do?

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Only thing I've done differently was spot feed the clam a bit...Thought maybe the extra nutrients could have contributed to something. Added some snails on Saturday - did not add the water they came in. Clam is still ok, just hasn't been happy for awhile (will probably move him to Ty's til I can get this mess sorted out).

As of right now, all readings are good. I am getting a ph overnight reading of 7.80 to 8.2 during the day. I did add some Reef Buffer with the water changes yesterday to try to bring up the ph some. Everything was already looking bad however, when I did that.

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I would advise agaist the poly filter at this point unless your fairly sure of a heavy metal toxicity problem. I have run one in the past. It sucked all of my iodine out as well as a bunch of other stuff. Through dosing and WC I have been able to get my levels back where they needed to be but it really pissed off my coral in the interim. But on second thought most of your Z/P and softies are already gone and those were the ones most irritated by the water stripping.

Did you check for stray voltage with a voltmeter? Do you need me to come over with my fluke and some poly pad?

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If it was stray voltage, would I feel it in the water and would all the corals be affected? I did an eight gallon water change yesterday, this morning the tank smelled so much like death, I gagged. I'm wondering if maybe I have bad salt. Will stop by Petco and pick up some premade stuff tonight and change out more.

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You may not feel shorted equipment in the tank. More than likely you aren't going to be well grounded when working on the tank. I went for likely more than a year with a completely cracked heater and didn't realize the tank had full line voltage until I replaced my fixture with a grounded metal one. Figured it out really quickly after that.

Is there any chance something could have been added to the tank inadvertently, maybe even a neighbor treating treating their yard for pests, or maybe even something with metal in it that is breaking down?

What you're describing seems like it would have to be something fairly drastic, much more so than nutrients or alk, ca, etc. Major salinity problem or the addition of something toxic to the tank would be my guesses but salinity should be easy to rule out.

Also, were there any recent coral additions? Some of the softies and especially the goniopora can produce some significant terpenoids.

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